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  • 3/7/2007Over 100 Pharma Companies Join Hands to Demand Their Voices Heard over...
  • 3/7/2007Premier Wen Jiabao Outlines Four Major Tasks of Government in Healthca...
  • 3/7/2007Morbidity Trends of 59 Types of Cancer in the Past Two Decades
  • 3/7/2007Future Expenditures for Kidney Dialysis and Transplant Predicted to be...
  • 3/7/2007Vice Premier Wu Yi Apologizes for High Medical Expenses
  • 3/7/2007ReceptoPharm Forms JV with Nanogene Biotech
  • 3/7/2007Skystar BioPharm Raises US$4.075 Million in Private Placement
  • 3/7/2007SFDA Revokes Licenses of Bioyee and Kangliyuan
  • 3/7/2007HUYA Licenses International Rights of Chidamide from China
  • 3/7/2007Kunming Pharma in Dispute with WHO over Malaria Treatment
  • 3/7/2007Walgreens Resists China Temptation
  • 3/5/2007China’s Import and Export of Medicines and Health Products Exceeded U...
  • 3/5/2007Novo Nordisk Establish Research Foundation with CAS
  • 3/4/2007CCA Survey Finds China's Medical Services Improved
  • 3/4/2007Wanxin Biotechnology Listed Through Merger with CDoor (SinoBiomed)
  • 3/4/2007Lotus Pharma Completed US$3 Million Financing
  • 3/4/2007Jointown Group in talks with Itochu ahead of Hong Kong listing
  • 3/4/2007Sebivo Approved in China
  • 3/4/2007NDRC Sets Rules for Drug Price Regulators
  • 3/4/2007NDRC: Drug Expenditure Raised by Changes in Drug Consumption Pattern ...
  • 3/4/200760% of Chinese Pharma Industry's Profits Went to Multinationals in 200...
  • 3/4/2007Official Appointments
  • 3/4/2007NDRC Launched 22nd Drug Price Cut on 278 TCMs
  • 2/28/2007Tongjitang Seeks NYSE Listing
  • 2/28/2007SFDA: Drug Regulatory Officials Banned from Owning Pharma Company Shar...
  • 2/28/2007Another Former Senior Drug Regulator Arrested
  • 2/28/2007SFDA to Adopt a Collective Liability System
  • 2/28/2007Daiichi Beijing Receives Authorization to Promote Imported Drugs
  • 2/28/2007Renhuang Pharma Signs LOI to Acquire Herbal Medicine Extraction Compan...
  • 2/28/2007Eli Lilly Sponsors Survey on Sex Life of Chinese Couples
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