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  • 3/16/2007Abeille Licenses China and Other Asian Rights of AB-1001 to SymBio Pha...
  • 3/16/2007SciClone Announces 2006 Zadaxin Revenues
  • 3/16/2007Vitaloix to Launch Flexcerin in China
  • 3/16/2007Development of Community Healthcare Sector Bottlenecked
  • 3/14/2007Novartis Leads Learning Revolution in China
  • 3/14/2007MOH Issues "Provisions for Drug Prescription" to Curb Abuse (with Summ...
  • 3/14/2007Upcoming Event - Diagnostics & Therapeutics Innovation
  • 3/14/2007Upcoming Event - China 2007 R&D Summit
  • 3/14/2007Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry Growth Slowed in 2006
  • 3/14/2007Cancer Incidence Up Sharply Among Female Residents in Shanghai
  • 3/14/2007Top 10 Retail Pharmacy Chains in 2006
  • 3/14/2007Sanjiu (999) Enterprises Group Holding Talks with Deutsche Bank over 4...
  • 3/13/2007SFDA Issues the No.106 Announcement of Drug Administrative Protection ...
  • 3/13/200757 Drugs Switch to OTC Status
  • 3/13/2007Despite Challenges with Worldbest Reorganization, CRG May Become King ...
  • 3/12/2007Proposed New "Provisions for Drug Registration" Aim to Close...
  • 3/12/2007China Strides Toward Global Pharma Role
  • 3/12/2007Health Minister Pushes for National Essential Drug System
  • 3/12/2007Local Drug Administrations to be Relieved of Their Industrial Manageme...
  • 3/12/2007United Pharma (HK) Group Builds Major API Facilities in Inner Mongolia...
  • 3/12/2007Healthcare Reform Plans to Come from Six Parallel Sources
  • 3/12/2007Draft for the New "Provisions for Drug Registration" Publish...
  • 3/12/2007China and WHO Conduct Joint Research into Viability of Essential Drugs...
  • 3/11/2007China Rivals Western Leading Nations in Nanotech R&D
  • 3/11/2007Frontier Biosciences Acquires Stake in Chinese CRO
  • 3/11/2007Pfizer Consolidates Asia-Pacific Helpdesk Facilities to China
  • 3/11/2007Authorities Reject Registration of “Zheng Xiaoyu” as Rat Poison Trad...
  • 3/7/2007Largest Pharma Distribution Center in Southwest China To Be Establishe...
  • 3/7/2007Urban Resident Basic Medical Insurance System to be Launched for Trial...
  • 3/7/2007Health Minister Backs Down from Government-funded Universal Healthcare...
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