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  • 2/12/2007Joincare to Raise CNY 800 Million for 7-ACA New Project
  • 2/12/2007Applied Biosystems Set Up Joint Laboratory with Chinese Research Insti...
  • 2/12/2007SFDA Designates Manufacturers of Essential Drugs
  • 2/12/2007Benda Pharmaceutical, Inc. Appoints Eric Yu Tak Shing as Its CFO
  • 2/12/2007China Health Holding Appoints Mr. Yu XiaoFei as President
  • 2/12/2007Medivir Outlicenses the Antiviral Compound MIV-160 to Guangdong Lantai...
  • 2/12/2007Rumor - Pfizer to Acquire Equity in Joincare Pharma?
  • 2/11/2007Six Peopole Tried in Shanghai for Tamiflu Couterfeiting
  • 2/9/2007China-Biotics Appoints Mr. Henry Tai as Vice President of Corporate De...
  • 2/9/2007Chinese and US Scientists Discover Gene for Leukemia Tumor
  • 2/8/2007AXM Pharma to Market Syngen in China
  • 2/8/2007Novartis to Launch New Hepatitis Drug in China
  • 2/7/2007Pfizer Cooperates with Tsinghua in Protein Kinase Research
  • 2/7/20073SBio IPO Met Strong Response
  • 2/6/2007SFDA to Set Up An Onsite Plant Inspector System
  • 2/6/2007SFDA to Conduct Thorough Inspection of Blood-based Drug Products
  • 2/6/2007Last Drug Price Cut Looms While Future Remains Uncertain
  • 2/6/2007Roche Launches OTC Version of Xenical
  • 2/6/2007SFDA Issues "Provisions for Control of Drug Circulation"
  • 2/6/2007MOCC Ruled Against Indian Firms in SMZ Anti-Dumping Investigation
  • 2/6/2007Holly Pharma to Expand Generic Drug Sales in Africa
  • 2/6/2007Wuyi Pharma Raised HK$800 Million from HK IPO
  • 2/6/2007Northeast Wins First Round in VC Anti-trust Lawsuit in the US
  • 2/6/2007DSM Builds China Campus to Facilitate Expansion
  • 2/6/2007Simcere Pharma Plans IPO at NYSE
  • 2/6/2007Taihua PLC to Market Paclitaxel in South Korea
  • 2/6/2007AXM Pharma Announces Acquisition of Leading Chinese Research Institute...
  • 2/6/2007Pfizer to Appeal Court Rulings on Chinese Name of Viagra
  • 2/6/2007China Pharma Holdings Raised US$3.85 Million Through Private Placement...
  • 2/5/2007Upcoming Event - The Pharmaceutical Development Course
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