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  • 12/22/2011AstraZeneca, Chi-Med enter into partnership for development of oncolog...
  • 12/22/2011Sihuan Pharma gains clinical trial approval for its class I new antibi...
  • 12/21/2011Latest national drug regulatory conference centers on essential drug s...
  • 12/21/2011Chinese online retail drug sales estimated to be around CNY 400M
  • 12/21/2011Chinese API sector expected to grow 20% in 2011
  • 12/21/2011Hua Medicine licenses Roche's diabetes drug candidate
  • 12/21/2011Jiangsu Kanion Pharma outlicenses global rights of its oncology drug c...
  • 12/21/2011Nicholas Hall reports fresh findings on the Chinese OTC smoking contro...
  • 12/21/2011Nuokang Biopharma appoints new director
  • 12/21/2011GSK disposes part of its consumer healthcare business
  • 12/20/2011SFDA to continue crackdown of fake drugs in 2012
  • 12/20/2011Hengrui Medicine gains USFDA approval for its Irinotecan injection
  • 12/20/2011China Resources bids for leading topical derma drug producer
  • 12/19/2011Upcoming Event: World Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Congress 2012
  • 12/19/2011Upcoming Event: Next Generation Sequencing Applications Asia
  • 12/18/2011Two new pharmaceutical research institutions established in China
  • 12/18/2011Sinochem DSM builds a new semi-synthetic cephalosporin plant in Shando...
  • 12/16/2011Essential drugs to be traded in Chongqing Drug Exchange
  • 12/16/2011Guangdong to revise prices of 99 Western medicines
  • 12/15/2011New study: Increased Western medicine practices at TCM hospitals in Ch...
  • 12/15/2011Global R&D spending on the surge with China expected to surpass th...
  • 12/15/2011"Wikileaks of Chinese pharma" reveals sensitive ex-manufactu...
  • 12/15/2011Boehringer Ingelheim to invest Euro 70M for Chinese manufacturing expa...
  • 12/13/2011USFDA and EMA to join hands for global manufacturing site inspections
  • 12/13/2011BMS expand research partnership with Simcere to a cardiovascular candi...
  • 12/13/2011Recent executive moves
  • 12/13/2011Quintiles kicks off its Chinese CRO Kun Tuo
  • 12/13/2011MOH outlines cost containment measures implemented at public hospitals
  • 12/13/2011Lilly upbeat about prospects of its ED drug Cialis in China
  • 12/13/2011Upcoming Event: 2nd Annual Biopharma & VacTech China 2012
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