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  • 1/6/2012Abbott gets 2011 China Best Corporate Citizenship Award
  • 1/5/2012Barclays Capital: Downside to prevail in 2012 for China healthcare/pha...
  • 1/5/2012Health Minister Chen Zhu reviews healthcare reform achievements and se...
  • 1/4/2012Pharma regulatory harmonization initiative piloted in Asia Pacific
  • 1/4/2012AstraZeneca begins construction of its largest plant in Jiangsu
  • 1/4/2012Ascletis receives CNY 10M grant under Hangzhou's 5050 Plan
  • 1/4/2012SFDA supports the R&D of orphan and pediatric drugs in China
  • 1/4/2012MOH bans officials from any involvements with drug procurement
  • 1/4/2012China's Vivo Ventures takes in another US$375 million fund
  • 1/3/2012Executive moves
  • 1/2/2012China to improve vaccine supply with emphasis on five project areas
  • 1/2/2012SFDA issues new rule for food and drug complaint reporting
  • 1/2/2012MOH issues guidelines for clinical cancer pain management
  • 12/31/2011Long Term Outlook Remains Positive for MNCs Despite Pricing Pressures ...
  • 12/30/2011MOH seeks comments on draft code of conducts for healthcare profession...
  • 12/30/2011CDE issues six new drug evaluation rules and procedures
  • 12/30/2011Chinese Pharma import and export jumped 40% in the first ten months of...
  • 12/30/2011USTR Issues Report on China's Compliance with WTO and TRIPS
  • 12/30/2011NDRC issues China's 2012 Foreign Investment Industrial Guidance Catalo...
  • 12/30/2011New Global Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Trends
  • 12/30/2011Roche to recall a batch of Xeloda in Hong Kong
  • 12/29/2011China Pharmaceutical Direct-Sales Distributor Alliance established
  • 12/29/2011Shenzhen plans to remove drug sales margins in public hospitals in 201...
  • 12/29/2011Executive moves
  • 12/28/2011SFDA seeks additional comments on second draft of revised GSP
  • 12/23/2011Frontage Labs completes a key clinical research facility in China
  • 12/23/2011Beijing switches civil servants to BMI as the city raises reimbursemen...
  • 12/23/2011Beijing SL Pharma establishes R&D JV in the U.S.
  • 12/22/2011GSK China R&D partners with ProteoTech for new Parkinson's therape...
  • 12/22/2011Health Minister Chen Zhu: NEDL need to be expanded
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