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  • 12/6/2011Senior executive moves
  • 12/2/2011Orthopaedic associations to provide training of community-level Chines...
  • 12/2/2011TCM found to be an effective supplement to Western medicine in HIV/AID...
  • 12/2/2011NDRC issues "Rules for Differential and Relative Pricing of Drug ...
  • 12/2/2011BCG and Deloitte: Chinese drug market to sustain strong but more modes...
  • 11/30/2011State Council reaffirms healthcare reform direction with review of new...
  • 11/30/2011MIIT to issue the 12th Five-Year Plan for the Chinese Pharmaceutical I...
  • 11/30/2011Huahai Pharmaceutical to raise CNY 1.3B for expansion
  • 11/29/2011China releases its 12th Five-Year Plan for Biotechnology Development
  • 11/29/2011BMI agency to take over essential drug purchase tendering in Shanghai
  • 11/29/2011CDS initiates largest clinical research of base insulin in China
  • 11/29/2011Lilly launches osteoporosis drug Forsteo in China
  • 11/29/2011SFDA releases its 2010 Annual Statistical Report
  • 11/29/2011China's HIV/AIDS-infected population estimated to account for one-fift...
  • 11/29/2011Cuba and China signs more cooperative agreements in biotech
  • 11/29/2011Bayer Healthcare initiates trials and registration of Regeneron's AMD ...
  • 11/29/2011RNCOS: Chinese drug market to grow 20% CAGR through 2014
  • 11/29/2011Updated - recent executive moves
  • 11/29/2011Swedish healthcare delegation visits MOH, SFDA and MoHRSS
  • 11/25/2011China Healthcare Prospects under Clouds of Slower Growth, Falling Prof...
  • 11/25/2011Deloitte: Big Pharma's R&D cost up as failure rate surges
  • 11/24/2011Upcoming Event: Cell Line Development & Engineering Asia
  • 11/24/2011Upcoming Event: Antibodies Asia 2012
  • 11/23/2011Upcoming Event: 2nd Annual OTC Pharma Asia 2012
  • 11/23/2011TCM found to be more effective for female infertility than pharma opti...
  • 11/22/2011NDRC issues new rule for ex-manufacturer drug price survey (with thoro...
  • 11/22/2011Sihuan Bio sues Vitapharm for patent scam
  • 11/22/2011China to pump CNY 10 trillion into seven strategic industries over fiv...
  • 11/21/2011Foreign companies have an upper hand in the Chinese biopharmaceutical ...
  • 11/21/2011Chinese media initiates another wave of bashing "excessively high...
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