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  • 11/1/2005Pfizer plans to expand R&D in China
  • 11/1/2005Invitrogen and the National Center for Drug Screening (Shanghai) Annou...
  • 10/31/2005Roche to work with China on producing bird flu drug
  • 10/31/2005SFDA issues six technical guidelines
  • 10/31/2005DSM and North China Pharma announce next steps in their strategic part...
  • 10/31/2005Traditional Chinese medicine to take FDA test
  • 10/31/2005DOBI Medical International to increase presence in China
  • 10/31/2005Medical experts gather in China to discuss treatment of osteoporosis ...
  • 10/31/2005Squibb to launch new hepatitis B drug in China
  • 10/31/2005Pharmaniaga forms JV in China
  • 10/31/2005pSivida to tap into Chinese market with Beijing Med-Pharm deal
  • 10/31/2005Huayuan Changfu Teaming Up With Pharma of Malaysia
  • 10/31/2005Interview with the Head of Akzo Nobel in China
  • 10/25/2005Survey shows few Chinese sees doctors for sexual related problems
  • 10/21/2005SDRC establishes “Drug Price Evaluation Center”
  • 10/21/2005(China) Beijing Med-Pharm raises US$6.3mil. in private placement
  • 10/21/2005Med-Pharm acquires Beijing Wanwei Pharma
  • 10/21/2005Chesapeake Corporation Begins Construction on Pharmaceutical Packaging...
  • 10/21/2005China’s pharmaceutical international trade surplus up
  • 10/21/2005China’s Export of medical devices up in the first half
  • 10/21/2005Local experts diagnose the widespread popularity of imported medical d...
  • 10/21/2005SFDA issues guidelines for submitting applications for preventive biol...
  • 10/18/2005China aims to become a leading player in the fast-growing biotechnolog...
  • 10/18/2005Star Pharmaceutical seeks Singapore stock market listing
  • 10/18/2005Allergan and GSK in distribution agreements
  • 10/18/2005Survey finds China and India becoming attractive destinations for R&D ...
  • 10/17/2005Anti-infectives continue to dominate Chinese hospital drug purchase in...
  • 10/17/2005Leading 10 Pharmaceutical Enterprises in 2004
  • 10/17/2005Pharma companies are the biggest spender of advertising in China in th...
  • 10/17/2005Merck and UPS Recognized for Outstanding Volunteer Efforts in China
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