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  • 9/19/2006Quest Divests from China
  • 9/19/2006Curis Sets Up China Subsidiary
  • 9/19/2006Beijing Med-Pharm Listed on NASDAQ
  • 9/19/2006First Chinese Pharma Company to be Listed in Paris
  • 9/19/2006Aida Pharma Acquires 77.5% of Chinese Genetic Drug Pioneer
  • 9/19/2006SFDA Reviews All Drug Licenses
  • 9/19/2006New OTC Regulations in Industry Hearing Process
  • 9/19/2006Sinovac's Pandemic Influenza Vaccine (H5N1) Show Encouraging Results ...
  • 9/19/200657% Adults Suffer from Insomnia in China
  • 9/19/200662% of Chinese Over 40 Suffer from Heart Diseases
  • 9/19/2006Outlook of Cephalosporin Bulk Pharmaceuticals
  • 9/19/2006China's API Export Up by 26.6% in the First Half Despite Severe Compet...
  • 9/19/2006Affymetrix Announces GeneChip Collaboration
  • 9/19/2006Pfizer to OEM through Shanghai Pharma
  • 9/19/2006Novartis Help Train Chinese Doctors to Improve Hypertension Treatment ...
  • 9/19/2006China Biopharmaceuticals Terminates Deal with Hengyi Pharma
  • 9/19/2006China Health Completes Acquisition of Henan Furen
  • 9/19/2006Cipla Eyes Biotech Companies in China for Aquisition
  • 9/19/2006AstraZeneca Invests US$14M into R&D Collaboration with Wuxi Pharma...
  • 9/19/2006Chinese CROs Band Together for Growing R&D Outsourcing Market Oppo...
  • 9/19/2006Foreign Investors Shy Away from Pharmaceutical Commerce Sector
  • 9/19/2006Upcoming Industry Conference Calendar
  • 9/19/2006Baxter Close to a Deal to Control Guangzhou Qiaoguang Pharma
  • 9/19/2006China to Become a Biotech Power
  • 8/31/2006Upcoming Industry Event: China Pharmaceuticals Conference by ABF
  • 8/31/2006China mulls monitoring gays for STDs
  • 8/31/2006Health experts call for action to curb China's youth obesity crisis
  • 8/30/2006SFDA Issues Requirements for Selective Testing of Drug Quality
  • 8/30/2006SFDA issues the No.92 announcement of drug administrative protection ...
  • 8/30/2006SFDA solicit opinions on Guideline for Ethics Committees on Drug Clini...
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