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  • 9/19/2006Aida Pharmaceuticals Releases Update on Qiaer Biotechnology Acquisitio...
  • 9/19/2006Biotechnology to Boost China’s GDP in 2020
  • 9/19/2006Top Firms Join Fight against AIDS, TB in South China
  • 9/19/2006Offshoring R&D to India and China Holds Great Potential for Reinvi...
  • 9/19/2006Guangdong Sets Up China's First Pharmaceutical Self-regulation system ...
  • 9/19/2006India Better-positioned Than China in Pharma: Ranbaxy
  • 9/19/2006Poll: 57% Adults Suffer from Insomnia in China
  • 9/19/2006New Vision Sought for Healthcare
  • 9/19/2006Cancer Rates on the Rise in China
  • 9/19/2006Survey Finds Six Million Chinese Suffering from Alzheimer's Disease
  • 9/19/200662% of Chinese over 40 Suffer from Various Heart Diseases
  • 9/19/2006New Rural Cooperative Medical System Covers Nearly Half of Chinese Far...
  • 9/19/2006Upcoming Industry Event: Generics Asia 2006 by IBC
  • 9/19/2006Chinese Pharma Export Up in the First Half of 2006
  • 9/19/2006Recent Executive Movements
  • 9/19/2006Multinationals Find Staff Retention in China a Growing Problem
  • 9/19/2006China Seizes 400 kg of Fake Tamiflu
  • 9/19/2006Health Statistics – Average Medical Expense Per Inpatient in Health S...
  • 9/19/2006Health Statistics – Average Medical Expense Per Outpatient in Health ...
  • 9/19/2006Morbidity of Oral Illnesses High in China
  • 9/19/2006Study Identifies ED Problems in China
  • 9/19/2006Rising STD Incidence in China Calls for Better Monitoring
  • 9/19/2006National Survey Shows High Obesity Rate Among Students
  • 9/19/2006Lonza Fights Tough Asian Competition by Expanding in China
  • 9/19/2006Chinese Companies Faces Severe Losses over Duloxetine
  • 9/19/2006Recent SFDA Announcements on Administrative Protection of Pharmaceutic...
  • 9/19/2006Recent SFDA Regulatory News Roundup
  • 9/19/2006NDRC Launches the 19th Round of Price Cut
  • 9/19/2006Another Problem Antibiotic Surfaces
  • 9/19/2006NDRC Issues Development Guidelines for Medical and Pharma Industries ...
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