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  • 11/28/2007North China Pharma Seeks New Strategic Investors While Its Deal with D...
  • 11/28/2007Nanjing Pharma to Launch “Package Deal” Model of Drug Purchase
  • 11/28/2007Yunnan Pharmaceutical Group Pushes Forward with Restructure
  • 11/28/200721 Pharma and Medical Distributors Expelled from Beijing Market for Br...
  • 11/28/2007Prices of Some Pharmaceutical Formulations Going North
  • 11/27/2007SFDA Issues Notice to Enforce Batch Inspection and Release of Biologic...
  • 11/26/2007Former CPA Official Stands Trial for Alleged Bribe Taking
  • 11/26/2007Sanofi-Aventis to Build a Flu Vaccine Plant in Shenzhen with EUR 70 Mi...
  • 11/26/2007Simcere Acquires Naning Tung Chit Pharma for US$4.4M
  • 11/26/2007Beijing Med-Pharm and Novartis Reach Deal for Enablex Marketing in Chi...
  • 11/26/2007NCPG Sets Up Joint Laboratory with Fudan University
  • 11/23/2007CFHPC Reports High HCV Prevalence in China
  • 11/23/2007SFDA Seeks Comments on Its Draft of "Rules for the Registration o...
  • 11/23/2007SFDA Approves Import of Abbott's Kaletra
  • 11/23/2007Shijiazhuang Pharma to Launch Its New Cardiovascular Drug in Korea thr...
  • 11/23/2007India Made Preliminary Decision to Impose Anti-dumping Duties on Chine...
  • 11/22/2007J&J to Increase Its Stake in XiAn Janssen to 70%
  • 11/22/2007DSM: Collaboration with NCPG Not Affected by Its Funding Raising Initi...
  • 11/22/2007Xinchang Pharma's Vancomycin Plant Becomes Operational
  • 11/21/2007Export of Pharmaceutical Formulations Up Sharply in First Three Quarte...
  • 11/21/2007GNI Announces IND Approval in China for Novel Liver Disease Drug F351 ...
  • 11/20/2007DSM Reports High Growth in China in 2007
  • 11/19/2007SFDA issues the No.124 announcement of drug administrative protection ...
  • 11/19/2007GlaxoSmithKline to Seek Effective Cure from TCMs
  • 11/19/2007Optimising Pharma Product Lifecycle: Revitalising the "Cash Cow&q...
  • 11/16/2007Sanofi Pasteur Wins Big in Beijing Flu Vaccine Tender While GSK and No...
  • 11/15/2007Pharmaceutical Industry Performance in First Three Quarters of 2007 an...
  • 11/15/2007Zhongxin Pharma to Dispose Tianjin's Largest Retail Pharmacy Chain
  • 11/15/2007NDRC Sets Prices of Essential Drugs for Urban Community and Rural Heal...
  • 11/15/2007Time Magazine: China's Drug Addiction
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