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  • 12/11/2007Helicon Group Sign with Jewim Pharma for Chinese Oncology Market
  • 12/11/2007Nepstar Reports Results in the First Three Quarters
  • 12/11/2007BMS to Step Up R&D Investment in China
  • 12/11/2007Qiao Shibo Named GM of Sanjiu Enterprises Group
  • 12/10/2007China Biopharma Investing in Review
  • 12/10/2007Guangzhou to Upgrade Community Hospitals
  • 12/10/2007NDRC: Healthcare Reform Plan to be Introduced in 2008
  • 12/8/2007Genotec to Manufacture Softgels in China
  • 12/6/2007Pharma Company Held Partially Responsible for Choking Death from Large...
  • 12/6/2007AlphaRx Announces Major Product Launch In China
  • 12/6/2007Chinese Pharma Industry Forecast for 2007 and 2008
  • 12/6/2007Survey Shows Falling Use of Brand Names in Physician Prescriptions
  • 12/5/2007Top Personnel Changes at Sanjiu Pharma
  • 12/5/2007China's Second HIV/AIDS Vaccine in Phase I Trial
  • 12/5/2007Fosun's Artemisinin Export Sales on the Sharp Rise
  • 12/5/2007SFDA Extends Campaign to Clean Up the Pharma Sector
  • 12/2/2007NDRC Reveals New Thoughts for Drug Pricing
  • 12/2/2007Healthcare Reform Plan to be Introduced before Year-end
  • 11/30/2007Pfizer Plans to Expand R&D in China and Asia
  • 11/30/2007Sihuan and Kambridge to Co-develop Sublingual Interluekin-2
  • 11/30/2007Xiangxue Pharma Establishes TCM R&D Center in Cambridge
  • 11/30/2007United Pharma's 6-APA Plant Became Operational
  • 11/30/2007SFDA to Raise Quality Standards on 4,000+ Formulated TCMs
  • 11/29/2007HIV Drug Resistance A Growing Concern in China
  • 11/29/2007Executive Move - Dr. Jubo Liu Joins Immtech as Development Liaison for...
  • 11/29/2007Hospital Market Trend for Sensory System Drugs in the 1st Qtr, 2007
  • 11/28/2007Nicholas Hall Reports Data on Chinese OTC Analgesics Market Mid-2007 ...
  • 11/28/2007SFDA Seeks Comments on the Draft of "Certain Interpretations on C...
  • 11/28/2007China Joins WHO's Global Patient Safety Program
  • 11/28/2007Has the Age of ''Great Leap Forward'' Arrived for Chinese Pharma?
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