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  • 9/23/2008Beijing to control pricing of hospital drug formulations
  • 9/23/2008Renhe Group consolidates two subsidiaries into Renhe Pharma
  • 9/23/2008Offer of Sanofi-Aventis to acquire Czech generic drug company Zentiva ...
  • 9/22/2008CNBG: more restructure to prepare for IPO?
  • 9/22/2008Everbright funds joint R&D project for Alzheimer’s disease
  • 9/22/2008Crown Bioscience to establish a unit in Taicang
  • 9/18/2008New PwC report finds changing nature pharma outsourcing in Asia
  • 9/18/2008Sinovac initiates clinical trials for hepatitis A vaccine in Ukraine ...
  • 9/18/2008Chinese companies geared up to enter EU and North American markets
  • 9/17/2008Shifting from Network Marketing to Evidence Based Medicine in China
  • 9/17/2008Upcoming Event: Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Clinical Outcomes in ...
  • 9/17/2008Survey shows fast growth and characteristics of Chinese diabetes marke...
  • 9/17/2008In-depth review of Shanghai hospital drug sales in 2007
  • 9/17/2008Founder Group acquires Wuhan National Medicine Group
  • 9/17/2008FDA issues import alert on 30 generic drugs from Ranbaxy
  • 9/17/2008Chinese Pre-clinical Safety Data: Is the FDA ready?
  • 9/16/2008Iressa recommended as a front line therapy for lung cancer of non-smok...
  • 9/16/2008China and U.S. reach agreements on healthcare and API products
  • 9/16/2008China kicks off research initiative targeting key epidemics
  • 9/16/2008Bayer Acquires Direvo Biotech
  • 9/16/2008Upcoming Event: US FDA Regulatory Compliance Workshop
  • 9/12/2008Oculus launches topical wound drug Dermacyn in China
  • 9/12/2008Simere promotes three senior executives
  • 9/12/2008Amendment to China''s Patent Law Will Impact Pharmaceutical Companies ...
  • 9/12/2008GlaxoSmithKline forms GSK Oncology
  • 9/12/2008MedImmune licenses autoimmune disease drug from SBI Biotech
  • 9/12/2008Upcoming Event - 2nd Annual International Congress World Cancer Confer...
  • 9/11/2008China to issue draft healthcare reform plan for public comments
  • 9/11/2008Shanghai to introduce zero drug sales margin policy in all suburban vi...
  • 9/11/2008China may usurp India''s pharma edge before long
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