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  • 10/13/2008Evidence-based analysis supports better policymaking for drug pricing ...
  • 10/13/2008World Courier opens clinical trial supply service centre in China
  • 10/13/2008Tianjin SKF to diversify into non-drug businesses
  • 10/13/2008SinoPharm Holdings absorbs Ningxia Pharmaceutical Commerce Group
  • 10/13/2008Sanofi Pasteur completes phase I of its flu vaccine facility in Shenzh...
  • 10/10/2008Beike signs eight new stem cell cooperative research agreements
  • 10/10/2008GeneScience begins construction of genetically-engineered new drug fac...
  • 10/10/2008Health Minister Chen Zhu receives GSK delegation
  • 10/10/2008MOH signs healthcare development experiment agreement with Chongqing ...
  • 10/9/2008SFDA seeks comments on revised draft of "Rules for Special Approv...
  • 10/9/2008SFDA issues statement against bogus certifications
  • 10/9/2008Health Minister Chen Zhu meets Pfizer delegation
  • 10/9/2008Datamonitor: credit crunch presents buying opportunities for big pharm...
  • 10/9/2008Baxter appoints new GM for China and HK
  • 10/9/2008SFDA issues the No.130 and No.131 announcements of drug administrative...
  • 10/8/2008SFDA bans herbal injection after three deaths
  • 10/8/2008Chinese pharmaceutical distribution sector under increasing pressure t...
  • 10/8/2008GeneScience Pharma resumes business after passing official inspections...
  • 10/7/2008New study: phasing out smoking and solid fuel use in China could saves...
  • 10/7/2008Poor Chen Zhu, China’s health minister
  • 10/7/2008Pfizer realigns its business units to fit the changing environment
  • 10/7/2008New report expects global drug market to exceed US$1 trillion by 2012 ...
  • 10/7/2008Chinese pharma industry showed strong growth in the first eight months...
  • 10/7/2008Senior pharma executive to serve a three-year sentence for corruption ...
  • 10/7/2008Yangtze River Pharma forms alliance with two leading research institut...
  • 10/7/2008PBG to build biopharmaceutical CMO facility in China
  • 10/6/2008Chinese herbal extract found to have the potential to treat ED
  • 10/6/2008Eli Lilly to take over ImClone Systems
  • 10/6/2008Chinese scientists develop new drugs for coronary diseases from TCM
  • 10/6/2008The 7th Drug Reference Materials Committee of NICPBP established
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