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  • 2/1/2011Review of Chinese Pharma M&A, Licensing and Collaborative R&D ...
  • 1/31/2011SFDA announces senior official appointment
  • 1/31/2011SFDA to withdraw dextropropoxyphene-containing drugs in phases
  • 1/28/2011Study: China needs to strengthen clinical trial development and traini...
  • 1/28/2011Will Asia's Insulin Makers Outperform Rivals in United States?
  • 1/28/2011NC and China team up for biomedical gateway in Research Triangle Park
  • 1/28/2011China clears Sanofi's acquisition of BMP Sunstone
  • 1/27/2011Upcoming Event: Pharma Innovations & Drug Development India
  • 1/27/2011Upcoming Event: IBC Bay-Helix 6th China Pharmaceutical R&D Summit
  • 1/27/2011SinoPharm establishes joint venture in Shanxi province
  • 1/27/2011Menet survey shows dissatisfaction over healthcare reform progress
  • 1/27/2011Personal share of Chinese healthcare expenditures down in the past fiv...
  • 1/27/2011Embracing the New Year of Golden Rabbit with Unrelenting Turbulences
  • 1/27/2011Medpace appoints new emerging market executive
  • 1/26/2011CDE announces restructure of responsibilities and internal organizatio...
  • 1/26/2011SINORDA acquires Swedish biotech company SentoClone
  • 1/26/2011U.S. government establishes R&D arm to sustain pharma innovation
  • 1/26/2011Tianyin Pharma completes new facility for macrolide antibiotic API
  • 1/26/2011SinoPharm plots more acquisitions as it takes over LRT's drug distribu...
  • 1/26/2011Abbott announces another cut of 2% workforce
  • 1/25/2011SFDA approves indication extension for 3SBio's TPIAO
  • 1/24/2011Aoxing Pharma announces government approval of API joint venture
  • 1/24/2011BMI: Dynamics of Chinese pharma market have changed
  • 1/24/2011Local press watches annual conferences of MNC pharma companies
  • 1/24/2011CRG reveals IPO and growth plans for pharma business in the next five ...
  • 1/21/2011Shanghai to eliminate drug sales markup on 688 drugs from February
  • 1/21/2011SFDA announces official discharge
  • 1/20/2011Former deputy SFDA commissioner Zhang Jingli arrested officially
  • 1/20/2011RDPAC urges non-essential drug access in community healthcare
  • 1/20/2011Wolters Kluwer forms JV with Medicom for clinical decision support
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