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  • 10/10/2011Novo Nordisk launches once-daily Victoza in China
  • 10/10/2011Thomson Reuters: Indian generic drug players leads peers in drug innov...
  • 10/8/2011Chinese government's new plan to boost drug market for senior citizens
  • 10/7/2011Upcoming Event: 2012 Pharma CI Conference & Exhibition
  • 10/7/2011Upcoming Event: 2012 Pharma CI Europe Conference & Exhibition
  • 10/7/2011Upcoming Event: 2012 Pharma Market Research Conference
  • 10/7/2011SinoPharm enters research partnership with HKU
  • 10/6/2011China Biologic announces director changes
  • 10/5/2011Carlyle Group and Hellman & Friedman agreed to buy PPD for US$3.9B
  • 10/5/2011Indian Commerce Ministry release paper to demand greater Chinese marke...
  • 10/4/2011Aptar Pharma and SFDA co-sponsors event on inhalation technologies
  • 9/30/2011Lasker Award Rekindles Debate Over Artemisinin's Discovery
  • 9/30/2011CDE announces its certification requirements for acceptance of foreign...
  • 9/30/2011Shandong's first alliance of retail pharmacy chains established
  • 9/30/2011SFDA deputy commissioner Bian Zhenjia participates in APEC LSIF
  • 9/29/2011SFDA bans Clenbuterol Hydrochloride tablets in China
  • 9/29/2011R&D Jobs in Emerging Markets - Leaders Wanted
  • 9/29/2011Latest tuberculosis study indicates growing threat of superbugs in Chi...
  • 9/29/2011China and Cuba agree to co-develop vaccine for pertussis
  • 9/29/2011Sanjiu Pharma to acquire four drug companies for pipeline extension
  • 9/29/2011Nycomed to market Almirall's antihistamine drug in China
  • 9/29/2011USFDA issues warning letter to Sichuan Pharma for API facility shortfa...
  • 9/29/2011Intmedic Pharma to establish large distribution center through a JV in...
  • 9/28/2011SFDA seeks public comments on new rule for food and drug safety interv...
  • 9/28/2011Leading Chinese players position themselves for uniform pricing of ess...
  • 9/28/2011Merck appoints new chief strategy officer with strong China experience
  • 9/28/2011WSJ: India wary on drug deals
  • 9/27/2011Sinovac receives Chinese approval for its animal rabies vaccine RabEnd
  • 9/27/2011Hisun Pharma enters OTC business with launch of its first non-prescrip...
  • 9/27/2011Eli Lilly commits US$30M for fighting NCDs in developing countries
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