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  • 10/14/2011MOH claims initial victory for curbing antibiotic abuse in hospitals
  • 10/14/2011BeiGene licenses two clinical-stage oncology compounds from Janssen
  • 10/14/2011Autism Speaks and BGI collaborate to sequence genomes of ASD patients
  • 10/14/2011WuXi PharmaTech acquires antibody reagent supplier Abgent
  • 10/13/2011Hospital Drug Consumption Growth Slows Significantly in Six Chinese Ci...
  • 10/13/2011China sees fast rising prevalence of pancreatic cancer
  • 10/13/2011Cancer has been top killer in Beijing since 2007
  • 10/13/2011Sinocom withdraws IPO due to poor market conditions
  • 10/13/2011MOH gears up for revising NEDL and redefining "separating medicin...
  • 10/13/2011Agenix enters into new deals with Chinese partners
  • 10/12/2011Upcoming Event: Negotiating for Success in Pharma BD
  • 10/12/2011Upcoming Event: Pharma Business Development Course
  • 10/12/2011MOH reports progress on primary healthcare reform and cost containment
  • 10/12/2011Compound form Chinese mushroom shows prospect as a cancer cure
  • 10/12/2011Kantar Health adds five new tumor types to CancerMPact China
  • 10/12/2011China BCT Pharmacy to open 11 new retail pharmacies in Guangxi
  • 10/11/2011Westernization and Urbanization of the Chinese Market: Implications f...
  • 10/11/2011Recent executive moves
  • 10/11/2011SemBioSys and Tasly forms global joint venture
  • 10/11/2011Biostar Pharma acquires Shaanxi Weinan for CNY 61M
  • 10/11/2011Pharma companies boost CI/market research budgets despite business slo...
  • 10/11/2011CDE issues two new guidelines for drug evaluation management
  • 10/11/2011Chinese government plans new measures to boost drug safety and essenti...
  • 10/11/2011TCM Gets A Modern Look
  • 10/11/2011Upcoming Event: Training Needs Analysis - Getting it Done Quickly and ...
  • 10/11/2011Upcoming Event: Organizational Learning Analytics and ROI
  • 10/10/2011Asahi Kasei Pharma licenses key Asian market rights of transdermal ter...
  • 10/10/2011AstraZeneca invests US$200M into a new manufacturing facility in China
  • 10/10/2011Chiva Pharma licenses Ligand's osteoporosis drug for Chinese and globa...
  • 10/10/2011Impacts of China and India over the global pharma industry on the rise
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