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  • 9/9/2013NDRC Official Responds to Imported Drug Pricing Comparison Claims
  • 9/9/2013State Council Sends Out Inspectors to Supervise Healthcare Reform at t...
  • 9/6/2013China is Committed to Fully Implementing Electronic Drug Regulation by...
  • 9/6/2013Healthcare Sector Remains a Hotspot for VC/PE
  • 9/6/2013Nine Chinese Pharma Distributor Form Joint Laboratory for Temperature ...
  • 9/6/2013Sales Expenditures of Listed Chinese Pharma Companies Remained High in...
  • 9/6/2013Forbes: BGI Headed for IPO of Its Institutional Business
  • 9/6/2013Updated - GlaxoSmithKline Considers Quitting China?
  • 9/6/2013EU Group Claims Unfair Treatment of Foreign Companies in China's Corru...
  • 9/6/2013Executive Moves
  • 9/6/2013China Plans "Astronomical" Fines on GSK for Corruption
  • 9/6/2013Vesale, Hainan Honz Enter Probiotic Distribution Deal
  • 9/4/2013Shanghai Maintains Existing Local Essential Drug Supplement List
  • 9/4/2013China Warned of A Major Epidemic of Diabetes-related Complications
  • 9/4/2013Three Ways To Understand GSK's China Scandal (External)
  • 9/4/2013Syndax, EddingPharm Enter Agreement to Sell Cancer Drug in China and C...
  • 9/3/2013IMS: Formulated TCMs Accounted One Third of Chinese Pharmaceutical Mar...
  • 9/3/2013IMS Health: China Pharmaceutical Market Snapshot in Q1/2013
  • 9/3/2013Acebright to Invest US$1M into Israel's NasVax
  • 9/3/2013Merck Renews China Sales Agreement with Zhifei Bio for Vaccines
  • 9/2/2013Chinese Police Reveals More Details of GSK China Corruption
  • 9/2/2013Chinese Biopharma Outsourcing Market to Grow 30% CAGR before 2018
  • 9/2/2013Ipsen China Sales "Affected" amid Expanding Pharma Probe
  • 8/29/2013Chinese Lawmakers Wants TCM to Play Bigger Role in Disease Prevention ...
  • 8/29/2013Beijing Completes Essential Drug Purchase Tender with 16% Average Pric...
  • 8/28/2013J&J Reorganizes Reporting Structure in China
  • 8/28/2013Simcere Pharma to Go Private in US$517 Million Deal
  • 8/28/2013Four Bottlenecks Slow Down Implementation Progress of Major Medical In...
  • 8/27/2013Chinese Monoclonal Antibody Drug Market in Fast Growth in the Next Fiv...
  • 8/27/2013NDRC Official Denies Targeting Foreign Companies for Anti-monopoly Pro...
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