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  • 9/18/2013Huahai Pharma Gains Chinese Approval for First-to-Copy AIDS Drug
  • 9/18/2013Servier, SIMM Enter R&D Partnership for Cancer Drug Candidate
  • 9/17/2013Bulgaria Seeks to Boost Pharma Trade and Investment with China
  • 9/17/2013CFDA Initiates Clinical Trial Registration and Publication in China
  • 9/17/2013Escalating Diabetes Prevalence Threatens to Bankrupt China
  • 9/17/2013Alcon Alleged of Bribery through Fake Clinical Trials
  • 9/17/2013Danone Accused of Bribing Physicians and Nurses for Baby Formula Sales...
  • 9/17/2013RDPAC and PhRMA Urge Higher Ethical Standards as EUPIA Calls for Trans...
  • 9/13/2013Updated - NRCMS to Initiate Negotiated Reimbursement of Premium Drugs
  • 9/13/2013Guangdong Issues New Rules for Hospital Drug Purchases
  • 9/13/2013China Publishes 2nd Supplement of Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2010
  • 9/13/2013Alliance Boots Upbeat with Retail Pharmacy Business Expansion in China
  • 9/13/2013How China's Biggest Biotech Company Cracked The U.S. Market
  • 9/12/2013CFDA Switches 13 Drugs to OTC Status
  • 9/12/2013Guangdong Issues List of Drug Products under Differential Pricing
  • 9/12/2013Bayer Contacted by Chinese Authorities for Anti-trust Info
  • 9/12/2013CCTV Exposes Chaitai Tianqing Pharma of Bribing Physicians with Thaila...
  • 9/12/2013CANbridge, Azaya to Collaborate for Development of Cancer Drug
  • 9/12/2013China Enacts the Third Amendment of Its Trademark Law
  • 9/11/2013NHFPC Releases Health Statistics for First Seven Months of 2013
  • 9/11/2013Sign of Reconciliation: Chinese Premier Promises Equal Treatment of Fo...
  • 9/11/2013Ironwood and AstraZeneca Initiate Phase III Clinical Trial of IBS Drug...
  • 9/11/2013Oramed Gets Chinese Patent for Its Oral Drug Delivery System
  • 9/11/2013GSK Denies Rumors for Quiting China amid Looming U.S. Investigation
  • 9/11/2013Expert: MNCs in China Worried over Compliance Risks
  • 9/11/2013Huahai Lines Up with AMMS for CNS Drug R&D
  • 9/11/2013Hisun Pharmaceutical Receives Clinical Trial Approval for Ginsenoside ...
  • 9/11/2013Gan & Lee Pharma Drawn into Corruption Scandal by Whistleblower
  • 9/10/2013Thinking Through the GSK Scandal
  • 9/10/2013Luqa Pharma and Stratpharma extend their collaboration in China
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