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  • 12/16/2013How MNC's Business Strategy in China Will Change After the GSK Scandal
  • 12/16/2013MNCs Forced to Abandon Essential Drug Purchase Tenders in Multiple Pro...
  • 12/15/2013CFDA Assistant Minister Bian Zhenjia Meets Associate Commissioner of U...
  • 12/13/2013CFDA Releases Drug Rule to Blacklist Illicit Food and Drug Makers
  • 12/13/2013If China's Economy Slows, What Happens To Its Healthcare Plans?
  • 12/13/2013New Report: Osteoporosis An Emerging Crisis in APAC
  • 12/13/2013Review of Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry Performance in the First 3Qs...
  • 12/13/2013CFDA Issues Regulation over One-time Approval of Vaccine Clinical Tria...
  • 12/13/2013Qingdao Mingyaotang, Covalon Join Hands for Marine Biopharma Incubator
  • 12/13/2013How to Succeed in China's Challenging OTC Environment
  • 12/12/2013Chinese Colorectal Cancer Market to Grow Rapidly Over the Next Five Ye...
  • 12/12/2013Global Patent Filings Post Strongest Growth with China Leading Applica...
  • 12/12/2013Chinese Oncologists Embrace Herceptin as Targeted Therapy for HER2+ Ga...
  • 12/12/2013ScinoPharm Completes Its Changshu Plant in Jiangsu Province
  • 12/12/2013Consun Pharma to Launch $141M IPO in Hong Kong
  • 12/12/2013CFDA Solicits Comments on Proposed Rule for ADRs in Vaccine Clinical T...
  • 12/11/2013MOFCOM: Chinese Pharma Distributor Sales Up 16% in First 3Qs of 2013
  • 12/11/2013China's First Indigenously-Developed AMD Drug Launched
  • 12/11/2013EU Revokes CEPs of Three APIs of Suzhou No.4 Pharma
  • 12/10/2013Nicholas Hall Reports Latest Data on Chinese Smoking Cessation Market
  • 12/10/2013Nicholas Hall Reports New Data on the Chinese OTC Sleep Aids Markets
  • 12/10/2013NDRC to Step Up Crackdown of Excessive Prices in Six Industries
  • 12/10/2013NHFPC to Raise Essential Drug Consumption Ratio in Urban Hospitals
  • 12/10/2013NDRC Issues Official Notice on Price Regulation of Low-cost Drugs
  • 12/10/2013Chinese Partner of Shanghai Abbott Lists Its 25% Stake for Sale
  • 12/9/2013New Deal Reached for Strengthened USFDA Inspections in China
  • 12/9/2013Shanghai Health Official Suspended Following GSK Probe
  • 12/9/2013Upcoming Event: VacChina 2014 - 4th Annual Vaccine Development Summit
  • 12/9/2013CFDA Suspends Import of Daewoong Pharma's Injectable Cefmetazole
  • 12/9/2013China's Top Ten Rx Drugs in 2013
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