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  • 12/23/2013China Initiates the Process for Amendment of Drug Administration Law (...
  • 12/23/2013CFDA Solicits Comments for Drug Electronic Regulation Appraisal Parame...
  • 12/23/2013Domestic Players Become More Competitive with mAb Drugs in China
  • 12/23/2013China and South Korea to Strengthen Cooperation for Food and Drug Safe...
  • 12/23/2013New Reports Predict Rising Consumption of Diabetes Drugs and Insulin i...
  • 12/23/2013Simcere Completes Merger and NYSE Delisting
  • 12/23/2013Changing R&D and Manufacturing Strategies for MNCs in China
  • 12/21/2013Pfizer Sponsors GP Training Project thru Peking University
  • 12/21/2013SinoPharm Accord to Acquire 70% of Shandong Bosi Pharma
  • 12/21/2013New Report Forecasts Fast Rising Breast Cancer Prevalence in China
  • 12/21/2013New Study Discovers HPV Link with Deadly Cancers in China
  • 12/21/2013CFDA and NHFPC Suspends Problem HepB Vaccine of BioKangtai
  • 12/21/2013BMS Sells Global Diabetes Business to AstraZeneca Pending Antitrust an...
  • 12/21/2013Elsevier Launches Clinical Medication Decision Support Solution in Chi...
  • 12/21/2013Latest Study Finds Celiac Disease Prevalence Rising Fast in China
  • 12/21/2013MicuRx Initiates Phase II Trials of Novel Antibiotic in China
  • 12/19/2013Shanghai Arrests Former Deputy Health Chief
  • 12/19/2013Chi-Med, Sinopharm Forms Pharma Distribution and Marketing Joint Ventu...
  • 12/19/2013RDPAC Proposes to Establish Drug Quality Comprehensive Evaluation Indi...
  • 12/18/2013Hainan Shuangcheng Passes cGMP Certification of USFDA
  • 12/18/2013GSK China to Reform Sales Incentive Schemes in China
  • 12/18/2013Upcoming Event: The 3rd Global Clinical Trials Outsourcing Congress
  • 12/18/2013Executive Moves
  • 12/17/2013Subsidiary of Shanghai Pharma Exposed of Physician Briberies in Qingda...
  • 12/16/2013China Central Pharma to Market Apira's Hair Growth Products in China
  • 12/16/2013Chinese Police Arrests 1,300 People for Illegal Online Drug Sales
  • 12/16/2013GlaxoSmithKline Pledges to Stop Paying Doctors to Promote Drugs
  • 12/16/2013China Meheco Enters Strategic Alliance with Cuba's BioCubaFarma
  • 12/16/2013Alvogen to Acquire 60% of Lotus Pharma for Asian Business
  • 12/16/2013Doubts Arise over Guangzhou Baiyunshan's Hepatitis B Vaccine Candidate
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