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  • 2/8/2022FDA Changes Tune On China-Developed Drugs as Lilly and Innovent Draws ...
  • 2/8/2022'I Have A Right to Change My Mind': A Top FDA Regulator Is Unapologeti...
  • 2/7/2022Why Chinese Drugmakers Fail to Reach for the STAR (PharmaDJ)
  • 2/7/2022FDA Says It Had No Input as Companies Developed Checkpoint Inhibitors ...
  • 2/7/2022Mybio Publishes the 2021 China Pharma BD Transactions Report
  • 2/7/2022Aurealis and Xbiome Entered a License Deal for AUP-16 Cell/Gene The...
  • 2/7/2022U.S. Adds Wuxi Biologics to 'Unverified List'
  • 2/7/2022MIIT: China to Beef Up Anti-monopoly Efforts in Pharma Industry
  • 2/7/2022Pfizer Sues Two Ex-employees for Trade Secret Theft, Implicating Qilu ...
  • 1/30/2022China Issues the 14th Five Year Plan for Pharmaceutical Industry Devel...
  • 1/30/2022NHSA Issues the Interim Measures for Handling Tips Related to Supervis...
  • 1/30/2022Recent Executive Moves
  • 1/30/2022Drug R&D and Product Registration News Digest January 2022 (4)
  • 1/30/2022Financial-related Company News Digest
  • 1/30/2022NRDL, NEDL and the Latest Ups and Downs of Chinese Pharma amid Uncerta...
  • 1/29/2022CDE Issues the Technical Guidelines for Clinical Risk Management Plan ...
  • 1/29/2022NHC Solicits Comments on the Interim Measures for Human Biological Sam...
  • 1/29/2022NHSA Publicizes Scandal of Basic Medical Insurance Frauds Involving As...
  • 1/28/2022NMPA Holds the National Drug Registration Control and Drug Post-Market...
  • 1/28/2022NHC Holds the 2022 National Health Working Conference
  • 1/28/2022NMPA Suspends Import, Sales and Use of JWLS's Fat Emulsion Product in ...
  • 1/27/2022CDE Publicizes the List of Reference Formulations for GQCE Studies (55...
  • 1/27/2022CDE Issues the Technical Guidance on Clinical Protocol for Liraglutide...
  • 1/27/2022CDE Issues the Guidelines for Clinical Trial Protocol Design for Once ...
  • 1/26/2022NMPA Announces Package Insert Revision of Numerous Drug Products
  • 1/26/202293 Listed MedPharm Cos Release 2021 Performance Guidance amid Weakness
  • 1/26/2022China Designates Shenzhen as Pilot Zone for Improved Market Access wit...
  • 1/26/2022Information Collection on the 7th VBP Initiated at Numerous Provinces
  • 1/26/2022BfV Warns German Pharma and Tech Firms About Being Targeted by Hacker...
  • 1/26/2022New Drug Approvals in 2021: 64 New Molecular Entities, 24 from Local P...
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