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  • 2/21/2006Chinese RU486 producer seeks approval
  • 2/21/2006SFDA says no to advertisements promoting health food with illegally ad...
  • 2/21/2006SFDA relocates its office for medical device application acceptance
  • 2/13/2006Novartis targets to expand in China and India
  • 2/13/2006DSM reaffirmed its strategic plan with NCPC
  • 2/13/2006China to Promote Community Health Service
  • 2/13/2006Chinese Medical Devices Market to Overtake Germany, Japan and the US b...
  • 2/13/2006Sorenson to develop the Chinese market
  • 2/13/2006European Medical Device Companies Face Increasing Competition From Low...
  • 2/9/2006Multinationals facing challenges dealing with counterfeit drugs in Chi...
  • 2/8/2006Six Chinese officials arrested in drug scandal
  • 2/8/2006Beijing’s per capita disposable income reaches RMB 17,653 in 2005
  • 2/8/2006Medical product export by China up nearly 30% in 2005
  • 2/8/2006Impact China II: Pharmaceutical R&D Global Summit to take place in Bei...
  • 2/8/2006WuXi PharmaTech Hosts China Life Sciences Partnering Forum - Shanghai ...
  • 2/8/2006SFDA Hearing Rules (Interim) (SFDA Order No. 23) issued
  • 2/8/2006SFDA issues requirements for daily supervision of the manufacturing of...
  • 2/8/2006SFDA issues Methods of Reviewing and Handling Administrative Reconside...
  • 2/8/2006SFDA specify the production scope of foreign-invested manufacturers of...
  • 1/26/2006China poised for drug packaging growth
  • 1/26/2006Abbott Pharma denies deal to acquire Shengyuan Dairy
  • 1/26/2006HIV/Aids epidemic less severe than feared
  • 1/26/2006Chinese Economy Grew 9.9% in 2005, Overtaking U.K.
  • 1/26/2006Senior SFDA Officials Detained for Questioning
  • 1/23/2006Quintiles Laboratory in Beijing Receives Two Key Certifications
  • 1/23/2006Bruker help Chinese fight counterfeit drugs Bruker
  • 1/23/2006Disabled ex-service men to get medical insurance
  • 1/23/2006China punishes 1,248 health workers
  • 1/23/2006China will renew manufacturing and supply certificates of radioactive ...
  • 1/23/200612 OTC drugs converted to Rx
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