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  • 11/1/2006Renhuang Pharma Announces 4th Qtr 2006 Guidance
  • 11/1/2006Legislation for Traditional Chinese Medicine Urged
  • 10/30/2006Pharma China's Fact Sheet on the Chinese API Industry (2005)
  • 10/30/2006China Stumbles Over “Heroes” and “Aircraft Carriers”
  • 10/30/2006Referencing Models for China's Healthcare Reform – “UK” vs. “Germa...
  • 10/30/2006Changing Waves in the Segment of Retail Pharmacy Chains in 2005
  • 10/30/2006Review of the Chinese Market for Lipid Regulating Agents (LRAs)
  • 10/30/2006The Re-birth of A Faded Legend - China Worldbest
  • 10/30/2006An Exclusive Interview with Xiaomei Li Reckford - CEO,Quintiles Greate...
  • 10/28/2006Overcoming Intellectual Property Phobia in China
  • 10/28/2006Bayer Healthcare Buys Topsun's OTC Cough/Cold Business
  • 10/28/2006Restructure of Shandong Xinhua Lukang Pharmaceutical Group Sees Breakt...
  • 10/28/2006China Pharma Receives GMP Certification And SFDA Production Approval f...
  • 10/28/2006Half of Middle-aged Men Lack Testosterone
  • 10/28/2006China Gaining Ground in R&D Outsourcing
  • 10/28/2006Some Evidence Show Tongxinluo Helps Angina Patients
  • 10/28/2006Chinese Hepatitis B Vaccine Enters Phase II Study
  • 10/28/2006Chinese Get Genetic Tests to Determine Disease Risk
  • 10/28/2006Chinese President Hu Suggests State Must Shoulder Health Burden
  • 10/28/2006Chinese Government Makes Another Move to Stop Widespread Illegal Medic...
  • 10/28/2006The Royal Bank of Scotland to Invest US$400 Million into Hunan Liuyang...
  • 10/28/2006Top Chinese Pharmaceutical Distribution Companies in 2005
  • 10/28/2006“First Copy” Incentive Policy Likely To Be Stillborn
  • 10/28/2006China to review 172,000 drug approvals
  • 10/28/2006Executive Movements in September and October
  • 10/27/2006Chinese Traders Reportedly Arrested at CPhI
  • 10/27/2006NDRC to Launch Its 20th Price Cut on Drug Products
  • 10/27/2006China Launches Traditional Medicine Safety Research
  • 10/27/2006The Chinese HBV Market Predicted to Double by 2010
  • 10/27/2006IMS Health Forecasts 15% to 16% Growth for China in 2007
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