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  • 1/19/2007SFDA Director General Meets Visiting Italian Health Minister
  • 1/19/2007Updating Chinese Traditional Medicine Policy Proves Problematic
  • 1/18/2007Multinationals Must Shoulder More Responsibility in China (External) ...
  • 1/18/2007King's College: Chinese Herbs Offer Potential for New Medicines
  • 1/18/2007SFDA Announces Plans to Post Inspectors to Certain Pharma Plants
  • 1/18/2007SFDA to Step Up Control of Drug Registration Process
  • 1/18/2007SFDA to Receive CNY 790 Million Government Funding During 11th FYP
  • 1/18/2007Nanjing Pharma Forms Biopharma JV
  • 1/17/2007First Chinese API Database Launched by Brychem and Wicon
  • 1/16/2007Iodine-131 Radiolabeled Chimeric Antibody Launched in China
  • 1/16/2007China Biopharma Completes Funding to Its Joint Venture Subsidiary
  • 1/16/2007Providential Signs Agreement to Take Nanjing Rhine Pharma Public in th...
  • 1/16/2007Beijing Med-Pharm Close to Acquiring Shanghai Rongheng Pharma
  • 1/16/2007WuXi PharmaTech Starts Moving Scientists to New Facility
  • 1/16/2007UKTI Sees Rising Interest for Clinical Trial Outsourcing to China
  • 1/14/2007Synovate Health Makes Appointment
  • 1/12/2007Zero Margin on Drug Sales to be Implemented in Hospitals in 2007
  • 1/12/2007First Anti-AIDS TCM Face Challenges
  • 1/12/2007Peregrine Pharma Establishes Subsidiary in China
  • 1/10/2007China Conducts Large-scale Prevention Research for High Blood Pressure...
  • 1/10/2007Shanghai to Implement “Guidelines for Clinical Application of Antiobi...
  • 1/10/2007Hisoar Pharma Debuts IPO at Shenzhen Stock Exchange
  • 1/10/2007Wuyi Pharma to Raise US$100 Million from Planned IPO in Hong Kong
  • 1/9/2007Organnon Enters into Collaborative Research Agreement with HUYA
  • 1/9/2007Skystar BioPharm to Form Collaborative Research with TNI-Penta
  • 1/9/2007999 Group Aims to Bring in Investor(s) by End of January
  • 1/9/2007Leading Expert Warns Sharp Rise in Heart and Brain Diseases
  • 1/8/2007CHHH Acquires Xi'An Meichen Pharma
  • 1/7/2007Former SFDA Chief Detained
  • 1/7/2007Chinese and US Scientists Develop New Bird Flu Vaccine Virus
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