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  • 1/23/2008Hisun Pharma Hopes to Drive Future Growth Through Overseas Formulation...
  • 1/23/2008Nanjing Pharma Completes Restructure of Its Retail Pharmacy Business ...
  • 1/23/2008Double Crane Seeks to Acquire 40% of Shanghai Baxter from Its Chinese ...
  • 1/22/2008Coverage of Basic Medical Insurance Expanded Significantly in 2007
  • 1/22/2008Prevalence of Breast Cancer on the Rise
  • 1/22/2008China Health Media Acquires Kings Media
  • 1/22/2008Poland's Bioton Aims to Take 15% of Chinese Insulin Market in Three Ye...
  • 1/22/2008Shijizhuang Pharma Signs Agreement with Indonesian Companies to Guaran...
  • 1/22/2008NovaMed Pharma Raises An Additional US$13.8M to Facilitate Expansion ...
  • 1/21/2008Jiangsu Plans to Lead the Nation in Establishing An Essential Drug Sys...
  • 1/21/2008The Practice of Resident TCM Doctors at Retail Pharmacies will be Expa...
  • 1/17/2008Health Minister: Healthcare Reform Plan to be Published in March
  • 1/17/2008Sinobiomed Wins Government Grant for Malaria Vaccine
  • 1/17/2008Tongrentang to Initiate Production in Hong Kong
  • 1/17/2008Chinese Government Approves Major Funding Initiative for New Drug Inno...
  • 1/17/2008Chengdu Tianyin Pharma Achieves US-Listing and Raised US$10M Through R...
  • 1/16/2008Chinese Medicine Ingredient Ginsenosaide Rb1 Found to Protect Liver
  • 1/16/2008Sundia MediTech Completes VC Fund Raising
  • 1/16/2008Kendle Appoints Industry Veteran to Lead Asia/Pacific Expansion
  • 1/16/2008BASF Sets Up Development Centers in Shanghai
  • 1/16/2008Viewpoint: Is China Going to Restructure Its Healthcare Related Govern...
  • 1/15/2008GUANGDPMG
  • 1/15/2008Leading Biopharma Companies Accelerate Entry into China
  • 1/15/2008First Joint Venture CRO Established
  • 1/15/2008SFDA Approves Switch of 30 Drug Products to OTC
  • 1/14/2008SFDA: Only Four Chinese Online Pharmacies Authorized
  • 1/14/2008Rhei Pharma to Market Access Pharma's MuGard in China
  • 1/14/2008Bridge Laboratories Receives $18 Million Funding for Expansion
  • 1/14/2008SFDA Issues #125 Announcement of Drug Administrative Protection
  • 1/11/2008Focus Media Acquires 20% of Yanhuang Health Media
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