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  • 10/31/2008Zhejiang Huahai Pharma release 3Q results
  • 10/30/2008Yunnan Miaosen Biotech sues SFDA over rejection of its anti-AIDS TCM ...
  • 10/30/2008Interagency group on healthcare reform to be upgraded?
  • 10/30/2008Is Legend Holdings going to dump Shijiazhuang Pharma?
  • 10/30/2008ChinaCentral Pharma receives CNY 100 million investment from CITIC
  • 10/30/2008Tasly's TCM sales grew fast in Africa
  • 10/30/2008China Sky One acquires new drug for lobular hyperplasia
  • 10/30/2008Glucose injection banned after children develop adverse reactions
  • 10/30/2008Revnues and profits of Hisun surge in the first three quarters of 2008...
  • 10/30/2008IMS predicts doubt digit growth for "pharmerging" ma...
  • 10/30/2008GSK acquires Genelabs to strengthen HCV research
  • 10/29/2008Merck & Co moves to shut down its basic research facility in Japan...
  • 10/29/2008The State Council appoints new vice minister of health
  • 10/29/2008DEC's computer system service to be interrupted during system relocati...
  • 10/28/2008Market Overview: Chinese hospital and retail markets for dermatologica...
  • 10/28/2008Foreign pharma companies enter new phase of development in China
  • 10/28/2008Data snapshot – Chinese distributor sales in 2007
  • 10/28/2008NWTT forms drug distribution JV
  • 10/27/2008Shanghai has the highest prevalence of breast cancer in China
  • 10/27/2008Chinese VC fundraising fell 83.7% in 3Q
  • 10/27/2008Carna Biosciences signs China distribution agreement for its protein k...
  • 10/27/2008Industry voices: creating a center of excellence in China
  • 10/27/2008EU postpones pharmaceutical reform
  • 10/27/2008Jiangsu Kanion seeks to build TCM research facility in Phillipines
  • 10/27/2008Pharma China adds another distinguished industry leader to its advisor...
  • 10/27/2008Revised regulation restricts export of certain pharma technologies
  • 10/27/2008Government approves SPG’s transfer of its 60% sake to SIIC
  • 10/27/2008Health Minister Chen Zhu meets BioMerieux president
  • 10/24/2008Will China’s healthcare reform save the day?
  • 10/24/2008SFDA to regulate exports of certain drugs and medical devices through ...
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