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  • 12/18/2008Zanamivir approved for clinical study in China
  • 12/18/2008Draft of GMP revision likely to be released in early 2009
  • 12/18/2008China to introduce frontline drug list of alleviative cancer medicatio...
  • 12/17/2008China strengthens regulation of ephedrine for veterinary use
  • 12/17/2008Western China remain threatened by iodine-deficiency diseases
  • 12/17/2008CDISC establishes presence in China
  • 12/16/2008Epilepsy drugs may cause ADRs in some Asians
  • 12/16/2008HUYA Bioscience gets deal from Schering Plough/Organon for Chinese dru...
  • 12/16/2008Bayer can not make up its mind about emerging markets?
  • 12/16/2008BMS to axe more research and sales jobs globally
  • 12/16/2008Major pharma-biotech M&A deals on the horizon
  • 12/16/2008Tongjitang appoints new CFO
  • 12/16/2008Lilly chairman: personal medicine need blessings of policies
  • 12/16/2008SFDA revises package insert of hydroxycarbamide formulations
  • 12/16/2008Shanghai Huayi’s new peptide drug for diabetes enters into phase III ...
  • 12/16/2008Sihuan Biopharma disposes Sino Celltech
  • 12/16/2008Merck lose patent lawsuit over finasteride against Topfond
  • 12/13/2008Top level personnel change at RDPAC
  • 12/13/2008Bayer to increase R&D spending
  • 12/12/2008Guangzhou court upholds earlier ruling on fake Armillarisni A injectio...
  • 12/12/2008Pfizer launches first smoking cessation drug in China
  • 12/11/2008China's drug-resistant tuberculosis is twice as high as global average...
  • 12/11/2008Eli Lilly outlines future strategy at annual meeting with Wall Street ...
  • 12/11/2008China's psychiatric drug market to rise sharply driven by improving aw...
  • 12/11/2008Novartis receives the China Charity Award
  • 12/11/2008CAPC: leading 20 drugs by distributor sales in 2007
  • 12/11/2008Guangdong puts prices of 500 drugs under regulation
  • 12/11/2008MOH drafts new rule to regulate medical representatives
  • 12/10/2008EU unveils draft pharma reform pact
  • 12/10/2008Economic downturn threatens to limit big pharma's access to drug innov...
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