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  • 7/10/2009China initiates nine free basic public health services
  • 7/10/2009NovaMed expands cardiovascular and oncology pipelines through agreemen...
  • 7/10/2009Upcoming Events from PharmaGuys on Coaching/Field Visits/Measurement R...
  • 7/9/2009SFDA seeks comments on the revision of “Provisions for ADR Reporting ...
  • 7/9/2009The State Council moves to push forward healthcare reform
  • 7/9/2009Uni-Bio to initiate phase III trials for Exenatide in China
  • 7/8/2009EU turns heat on "originator" companies for blocking entry o...
  • 7/8/2009In-depth Review: Chinese Pharmaceutical Import and Export in 2008
  • 7/8/2009MOF allocates CNY 10.4 billion to fund basic public health services
  • 7/8/2009Chinese herbal medicine found to relieve symptoms of endometriosis
  • 7/8/2009Drug Firms See Poorer Nations as Sales Cure (External)
  • 7/8/2009IFPMA: Industry research increasing in less well-known tropical diseas...
  • 7/7/2009Foreign trade of medicines and health products Jan-May 2009: imports u...
  • 7/7/2009The CPA establishes a new branch for drug clinical appraisal
  • 7/7/2009Novartis loses its Glivec patent fight in India
  • 7/7/2009Sundia MediTech acquires PFSC technology and appoints new VP of drug d...
  • 7/7/2009Pharma outsourcing decision: China or India?
  • 7/6/2009Vaccine market to drive future pharmaceutical growth
  • 7/6/2009Retail price indexes for chemical drugs down in 2008
  • 7/5/2009Novast Pharma receives US$25 million in VC investment
  • 7/5/2009China issues new policy paper for government healthcare investments
  • 7/5/2009Sundia MediTech appoints senior VP of chemistry
  • 7/3/2009China to experiment DMF system for pharmaceutical inactive ingredients...
  • 7/3/2009MOHRSS releases annual report of BMI insurance programs for 2008
  • 7/3/2009Pharma industry performance continues to rise fast in the first five m...
  • 7/3/2009Largest information platform for medical data launched
  • 7/3/2009Jizhong Energy acquires North China Pharmaceutical Group
  • 7/3/2009Top personnel changes at NCPG
  • 7/3/2009More details on the proposed drug pricing reform emerges
  • 7/3/2009Certara expands investment and presence in China and Taiwan
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