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  • 12/12/2009Nuokang Biopharma IPO falls at debut
  • 12/12/2009Lotus appoints GM of OTC business
  • 12/12/2009Nepstar to acquire six more retail pharmacy outlets in Beijing
  • 12/11/2009Senior management reshuffle expected at Beijing Novartis Pharma
  • 12/11/2009Agios Pharma and Shanghai ChemPartner reports groundbreaking cancer re...
  • 12/10/2009GSK to continue acquisitions in emerging markets despite some unreason...
  • 12/10/2009Roche to invest US$72M for translational research in Singapore
  • 12/10/2009Instem establishes office in Shanghai
  • 12/10/2009Merck KGaA initiates phase III trials of therapeutic cancer vaccine in...
  • 12/10/2009Upcoming webcast - Pharma Opportunities in China: Promises and Pitfall...
  • 12/10/2009Survey finds China key for global profitability
  • 12/10/2009Skystar Biopharma acquires aquaculture vaccine technology from FMMU
  • 12/10/2009Chinese and Brazilian drug companies form alliance
  • 12/9/2009Pfizer and Crown Bioscience enters collaboration for Asian cancers
  • 12/9/2009The Impact of Chinese Health Care Reforms - Survey Findings and Observ...
  • 12/9/2009SFDA seeks public comments on second draft of the GMP regulation
  • 12/9/2009MOH issues document for clinical pathway management experiment
  • 12/9/2009Baiyunshan Pharma and DSM enter strategic alliance
  • 12/9/2009Survey: 76% of urban Chinese white-collar workers suffer from sub-heal...
  • 12/9/2009Paper: EU authorities only inspect Chinese pharma factories after prob...
  • 12/8/2009Medicilon/MPI expands to offer GLP-compliant preclinical services
  • 12/8/2009Shanghai Pharma expands national distribution and logistical capabilit...
  • 12/8/2009MOC and SFDA issue notice concerning the drug distribution sector
  • 12/7/2009Xinfu Pharma exits pharma business
  • 12/7/2009Global health insurers look to China for future growth
  • 12/7/2009New data finds experimental drug promising in treatment of Hepatitis C...
  • 12/7/2009Nanjing Pharma forms logistics joint venture
  • 12/5/2009Full translation - National Drug Reimbursement List 2009 (Western medi...
  • 12/4/2009China's smoking death toll to double by 2020
  • 12/4/2009SinoPharm participates in bids for Ratiopharm
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