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  • 1/11/2010Direct-sales to become a new growth area for Harbin Pharma
  • 1/11/2010Japanese drug wholesalers begin to penetrate the Chinese market
  • 1/11/2010Qiagen partners with Wuxi AppTec to support biomarker development in A...
  • 1/11/2010Jiangsu hands out US$1.8M grant for stem cell R&D
  • 1/8/2010MOH announces priorities for health work and public hospital reform in...
  • 1/8/2010Tianjin Pharmaceutical Group fails to close merger talk with Dongsheng...
  • 1/8/20103SBio files CTA application for Feraheme
  • 1/8/2010Study shows China a leader in regenerative medicine research
  • 1/8/2010Top executive at BMP Sunstone resigns
  • 1/8/2010Lundbeck faces EU antitrust probe
  • 1/8/2010Bristish scientists develop vaccine treatment for Leukemia
  • 1/7/2010China Medicines receives US$70M in private placement from OEP
  • 1/7/2010NDRC to halt bulk vitamin C expansion wave in China
  • 1/7/2010CAMS announces phase III trials of its novel macrolide antibiotic
  • 1/7/2010U.S. to target pharma industry in latest foreign corrupt practices act...
  • 1/6/2010New study: antidepressants not effective for mild depression
  • 1/6/2010VCs eye potential growth of the Chinese vaccine market
  • 1/6/2010CDE reports on drug registration evaluation performance in 2009
  • 1/6/2010Essential drug system to be implemented in selected grade II and III h...
  • 1/6/2010Rural cooperative medical scheme covers 94% of rural population
  • 1/6/2010Xinchang Pharma passes USFDA inspection for bulk antimalaria drugs
  • 1/6/2010China Aoxing Pharma completes phase II trials of novel PD drug
  • 1/5/2010More details emerge on the negotiation mechanism of the NDRL
  • 1/5/2010East Asian drug authorities holds joint working group meeting on clini...
  • 1/5/2010Biostar Pharma to acquire unnamed medical company
  • 1/5/2010Upcoming Event: Pharma Market Research Conference
  • 1/5/2010Bayer Healthcare China elevated on the corporate ladder
  • 1/5/2010Jiangsu Jichuan Pharma acquires Jiangsu Tianji Pharma
  • 1/5/2010SFDA issues announcement on classified regulation of medical sodium hy...
  • 1/4/2010"2009 USTR Report on China’s WTO Compliance" highlights con...
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