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  • 3/11/2010CDE seeks comments on a new CTD requirement for generic drug registrat...
  • 3/11/2010SFDA announces departure of another official
  • 3/11/2010Health Minister highlights rising importance of new reimbursement mech...
  • 3/11/2010CAPC calls for reorganization of hospital pharmacies into retail pharm...
  • 3/11/2010MOH initiates breast cancer screening and training program for rural w...
  • 3/11/2010Joincare Group expands API business
  • 3/11/2010AstraZeneca in generic drug supply deal with India's Torrent
  • 3/10/20103SBio announce changes to the board
  • 3/10/2010Northeast Pharma to raise CNY 2.96 billion fo new projects
  • 3/10/2010NPC delegates from pharma industry challenges drug purchase tender sys...
  • 3/10/2010Datamonitor: world diabetes market expected to rise sharply by 2018
  • 3/9/2010Upcoming Event: Pharma China Forum 2010 in Beijing
  • 3/9/2010Upcoming Event: Pharma China Seminar 2010 in New Jersey
  • 3/9/2010Stellar Pharma gains Chinese patent for IC/PBS drug Uracyst
  • 3/9/2010Wuxi PharmaTech reports revenue and profit growth in 2009
  • 3/9/2010MOH announce financial data on rural cooperative medical scheme in 200...
  • 3/8/2010Chinese retail pharmacy market faces slowing growth and consumption pa...
  • 3/8/2010China's biopharmaceutical foreign trade on the sharp rise
  • 3/8/2010Merck and Huahai sign OEM agreement for drug formulations
  • 3/8/2010AuTek Bio to build a large scale biopharma CMO facility in Beijing
  • 3/5/2010China Grand Pharma acquires two Chinese pharma firms
  • 3/5/2010MOH issues new rule on hospital drug prescription evaluation (with sum...
  • 3/5/2010Shanghai Pharma's new anticancer drug enters phase II trials
  • 3/5/2010Boteng to build state-of-the-art API facility in Chongqing
  • 3/5/2010Tianjin Huayao signs antibiotic contract manufacture deal with Choongw...
  • 3/4/2010Chi-Med seeks partnership and possible spin-off of its drug developmen...
  • 3/4/2010Sanofi Aventis funds Chinese study on type 2 diabetes
  • 3/4/2010WHO to fund 75 Chinese public health services with US$27 million
  • 3/4/2010MoST reports positive outcome of ongoing clinical research of China’s...
  • 3/4/2010Shengtai Pharma appoints new CFO
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