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  • 10/12/2010Pfizer to pay US$3.6 billion for King Pharmaceuticals
  • 10/12/2010Chinese pharma industry continues high growth in first eight months of...
  • 10/11/2010Gloria Pharma agrees to purchase NCEs for Leukemia at CNY 65 million
  • 10/11/2010Shanghai announces actions on fake Avastin ADR incident
  • 10/11/2010Erlotinib found to treat NSCLC better than chemotherapy in Chinese tri...
  • 10/11/2010Progress Seen on Various Reform Fronts Along with Fears of More Price ...
  • 10/11/2010Sihuan to raise US$741 million from IPO in Hong Kong
  • 10/9/2010China's pharma trade expands nearly 30% in the first half
  • 10/9/2010Pfizer inaugurates new R&D center in Wuhan
  • 10/9/2010Upcoming Event: Training Needs Analysis
  • 10/9/2010Upcoming Event: Measurement and ROI Certification Masterclass
  • 10/8/2010Sanofi-Aventis to slash 1,700 pharma jobs in the U.S.
  • 10/8/2010PPD Opens New Office in Beijing
  • 10/8/2010MOHRSS official moves
  • 10/8/2010Healtang and Carbosynth reach agreement to form Chinese JV
  • 10/7/2010IMS: global pharma market to grow 4%-5% this year
  • 10/7/2010Thomson Reuters: China to become dominant force in API sector
  • 10/7/2010IMS: China set to become the third largest drug market this year
  • 10/6/2010BioTrends report reveals clinical trends for renal anemia in China
  • 10/6/2010GHP: China to emerge as a major global biopharma player within 15 year...
  • 10/6/2010Chinese and British scientists work together to improve Artemisinin pr...
  • 10/6/2010GeneScience to plead guilty for illegal distribution of HGHs in the U....
  • 10/6/2010J&J reaches acquisition agreement with Crucell
  • 10/6/2010Asian CRO market to expand at 20% CAGR thru 2015
  • 10/6/2010Tasly and ProteoTech sign deal to co-develop Alzheimer's drug
  • 10/6/2010Global NSCLC market to rise over 50% by 2019
  • 10/6/2010New trend of MNC R&D cost-cutting being shaped
  • 10/4/2010In-depth review of Shanghai hospital drug consumption in 2009
  • 10/4/2010MOH official: government investment key to complete removal of hospita...
  • 10/4/2010BMI: Chinese pharma to grow 13.7% CAGR through 2014
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