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  • 5/11/2011NDRC issues 2011 edition of Guiding Catalog for Adjustment of Industry...
  • 5/11/2011Sanofi Pasteur launches first 5-in-1 combination vaccine Pentaxim in C...
  • 5/11/2011In China, Companies Peel Off Their Gloves (WSJ)
  • 5/11/2011EMD Millipore opens new support facility in Shanghai
  • 5/11/2011Hospital drug purchase prices fall 25% at Chongqing Drug Exchange
  • 5/10/2011China Resources Sanjiu to expand collaboration with CATCM
  • 5/10/2011ChinaBio reports advances on multiple fronts of China healthcare
  • 5/10/2011SFDA Commissioner Shao Mingli meets Commissioner of KFDA
  • 5/9/2011Upcoming Event: Pharmaceutical and Clinical Trial Logistics Asia Pacif...
  • 5/9/2011Industry Analysis over China's Latest Drug Pricing Reform Proposals
  • 5/9/2011SFDA approves clinical study for new anti-depression natural medicine
  • 5/9/2011SFDA kicks off inspection campaign for essential drug quality
  • 5/9/2011Sanofi-Aventis shortens its name to Sanofi for simplicity
  • 5/9/2011Simcere plans new R&D hub in Beijing as its subsidiary gains new a...
  • 5/6/2011Merial launches poultry vaccine VAXXITEK in China
  • 5/6/2011Shenzhen-based Global Pharm appoints new vice president
  • 5/6/2011ZS Co-Founder Prabha Sinha: Selling to a Diffuse Market like China
  • 5/6/2011SFDA issues new guidelines for changing inhaler propellants
  • 5/6/2011Upcoming Event: ChinaBio Partnering Forum 2011
  • 5/5/2011MOFCOM issues 12th Five Year Plan for the Chinese Pharma Pistribution ...
  • 5/5/2011PartneringNews Interviews AZ Asian R&D Head Steve Yang
  • 5/5/2011Sinocom seeks Nasdaq IPO to raise US$58M for expansion
  • 5/4/2011Chinese experts advocates alternatives for animal toxicity testing
  • 5/4/2011Bayer Healthcare opens to "merger of equals"
  • 5/3/2011Pfizer a cornerstone investor in Shanghai Pharma's US$2.2B IPO in Hong...
  • 5/3/2011Beijing Second Pharma gains ANDA approval for Amlodipine Besylate
  • 5/3/2011MOH releases 2010 health sector development statistics
  • 5/2/2011TEVA agreed to acquire Cephalon for US$6.8 billion
  • 4/28/2011MOH plans expansion of healthcare professional pool through training
  • 4/28/2011Latest Chinese census confirms expanding senior population
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