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  • 6/10/2011HUYA and Wuhan Katygen Pharma enter collaboration for class I new onco...
  • 6/10/2011AstraZeneca appoints new president of China business
  • 6/10/2011Agenix to file IND for new hepatitis B drug
  • 6/8/2011UC Davis and BGI enter partnership for large-scale genome sequencing
  • 6/8/2011SVT acquires China rights of EntreMed's oncology drug candidate
  • 6/8/2011India to withdraw Chongqing Daxin's bulk drug registration for denying...
  • 6/8/2011GEN: Asia's Emerging Markets Catching Up to the U.S. and Europe in Ter...
  • 6/8/2011Thomson Reuters: China filed most pharma trademarks in 2010
  • 6/8/2011KPMG: Chinese drug companies make attractive targets to MNCs
  • 6/8/2011Harbin Pharma accused of polluting local environment
  • 6/7/2011New report: Chinese pharma outsourcing industry growth slows in 2010
  • 6/7/2011Northeast Pharma to raise CNY 2.43B from private placement
  • 6/7/2011SFDA issues the No.148 announcement of drug administrative protection
  • 6/4/2011Upcoming Event: World Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine Congress ...
  • 6/4/2011Upcoming Event: World Orphan Drug Congress Asia 2011
  • 6/4/2011Upcoming Event: Asia Biosimilars Summit
  • 6/3/2011KPCB appoints new partner in Shanghai
  • 6/3/2011Registration of anti-drug-resistance tuberculosis drugs to be fast-tra...
  • 6/3/2011Nature Review: Innovative Drug R&D in China
  • 6/2/2011Nicholas Hall reports growth of Chinese OTC dermatologicals market in ...
  • 6/2/2011Tasly to open a US$40M manufacturing facility in Maryland
  • 6/2/2011Pfizer and Hisun sign MOU for branded generic JV
  • 6/2/2011Local firm challenges Gilead's Chinese patent for Viread
  • 6/1/2011MOH issues new rule to manage prices of medical institutions
  • 6/1/2011BeiGene hopes to become China's Genentech with financial backing from ...
  • 6/1/2011SFDA announces new official appointment
  • 6/1/2011Government seeks to boost prevention as threat of chronic diseases ele...
  • 6/1/2011New study highlights prevalence and therapeutic trends for diabetes in...
  • 6/1/2011Sinovac appoints new board director
  • 6/1/2011Novo Nordisk to fend off competition by boosting China investments
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