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  • 4/18/2012China to establish its first national cancer center this year
  • 4/18/2012Outsourcing Trends in China (External)
  • 4/18/2012The State Council issues action plan for healthcare reform in 2012
  • 4/17/2012SinoPharm enters alliance with Yangzhou as its new pharma logistic ce...
  • 4/17/2012Latest official and executive moves
  • 4/16/2012Upcoming Event: Drug Quality and New GMP Summit 2012
  • 4/16/2012Upcoming Event: Pharma China Seminar 2012 in NJ on May 3
  • 4/16/2012Market share of top 100 drugs by hospital sales fell consistently in t...
  • 4/16/2012Domestic players renews attack on the price gap between local generic ...
  • 4/16/2012Chinese experts call for streamlined prescription of formulated TCMs b...
  • 4/16/2012Former chairman of Jilin Zixin Pharma under house arrest for SEC viola...
  • 4/16/2012Qianjiang YongAn Pharma fined CNY 3.8M for pollution and faces closure
  • 4/16/2012Drug safety concerns renewed after illegal use of industrial gelatin e...
  • 4/16/2012SFDA alerted after drug rings are found to source pseudophetamine from...
  • 4/13/2012China to launch the pediatric volume of the National Formulary
  • 4/13/2012Chinese OTC drug market development lags behind overall pharma sector ...
  • 4/13/2012The "big three" Chinese pharma companies report sharp growth...
  • 4/13/2012China launches large scale diabetes training of physicians at the coun...
  • 4/13/2012KKR gets a 23.8% stake in China Cord Blood with US$65M investment
  • 4/13/2012Lukang passes USFDA inspection for bulk Spectinomycin
  • 4/12/2012Latest BMI reports highlights key contemporary trends in China healthc...
  • 4/12/2012Beijing to introduce a new round of anti-infective drug containment
  • 4/12/2012Resourcing Clinical Research Programs in China
  • 4/12/2012Upcoming Event: Pharma China Seminar 2012 in NJ on May 3
  • 4/12/2012Upcoming Event: BioPharma China Convention 2012
  • 4/11/2012Abbott's Humira set to become the top-selling drug globally this year
  • 4/11/2012Recent executive moves
  • 4/11/2012MOH orders development of a national mortality database
  • 4/11/2012Fosun Pharma approved for IPO in Hong Kong
  • 4/11/2012Luqa Pharma licenses select AfMET market rights of anti-fungal Ebernet...
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