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  • 5/17/2012GIBH Establishes Joint Venture for Global Expansion
  • 5/17/2012J&J Looks to Acquisitions to Facilitate Fast Growth in China
  • 5/16/2012Chinese Urban Retail OTC Market on Steady Growth in 2011
  • 5/16/2012MOFCOM Reports Steady Growth of the Chinese Pharma Distribution Sector...
  • 5/16/2012API Sector Performance in 2011 and 1Q/2012
  • 5/16/2012NBS: Chinese Pharma Industry Growth Slows in the First Quarter of 2012
  • 5/16/2012China Issues New Rules to Streamline Medical Service Prices
  • 5/16/2012BMS Announces US$20M Investment Plan to Expand Manufacturing and Suppo...
  • 5/15/2012MOH Issues Guideline for Medical Payment Reform of NRCMS
  • 5/15/2012NDRC to Introduce a New Guideline for Reform of Drug Prices at County ...
  • 5/15/2012Health Minister Chen Zhu: China to Promote Use of Advanced Biopharma P...
  • 5/15/2012Recent Executive Moves
  • 5/15/2012Government: Big Pharma's Best Friend in Emerging Markets? (External)
  • 5/15/2012BMS Enters Strategic Partnership with Tsinghua U for Drug Discovery
  • 5/14/2012China Shenghuo Pharma Opts to Delist from NYSE Amex
  • 5/14/2012Data Snapshot: Chinese Market Shares by Dosage Forms with Emphasis on ...
  • 5/14/2012CDE Hires Two New Senior Reviewers
  • 5/14/2012The MOH Holds Annual Clinical Pathway Management Conference
  • 5/11/2012CanSino Enters Collaborative Agreement with Aeras for its TB Vaccine C...
  • 5/11/2012Another US-listed Chinese Pharma Company Seeks to Delist
  • 5/11/2012Electronic Patient Records Introduced in One Third of Public Hospitals
  • 5/11/2012WuXi PharmaTech Reports Sharp Revenue Growth in Q1 2012
  • 5/10/2012Government to Formulate New Incentive Policies for Pharma Industry Con...
  • 5/10/2012Merck to Launch VYTORIN (Ezetimibe/Simvastatin) Tablets in China
  • 5/10/2012Review of Chinese Hospital Drug Market Trends in 2011
  • 5/10/2012Review of Anti-infective Consumption by Chinese Hospitals in 2011
  • 5/10/2012Simcere Pharma Reports Flat Performance in 1Q
  • 5/10/2012Novozymes Begins Supply of Hyaluronic Acid from China
  • 5/9/2012New Data Predicts High Growth for the Global API Market
  • 5/9/2012Hanmi Acquires China and Korean Rights of DZNS from SK Biopharma
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