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  • 10/23/2012Cost Containment Remains the Center of Chinese Healthcare Reform amid ...
  • 10/23/2012MOH Holds National Centralized Drug Purchase Working Conference
  • 10/23/2012GPCR New Drug Innovation Alliance Formed in China
  • 10/22/2012TCM Found to be Potent against Pancreatic Cancer Tumors in Mice
  • 10/22/2012Chinese Import of Medicines and Health Products Up 15% in August
  • 10/22/2012Walvax Expands Vaccine Business to Russia
  • 10/19/2012WuXi AppTec Opens cGMP Biologicals Manufacturing Facility
  • 10/19/2012Official Moves
  • 10/19/2012China Issues the 12th FYP for Healthcare Development
  • 10/18/2012TNI Biotech and Hubei Qianjiang Pharma to Co-develop Oncology Drugs in...
  • 10/18/2012NDRC, MOH and MOHRSS Mandates Elimination of Drug Sales Margins by Hos...
  • 10/16/2012Review of Chinese Pharma Deals, R&D and Regulatory Developments in...
  • 10/16/2012Government Issues New Policy Promoting TCM Service at the Grassroots L...
  • 10/16/2012Hepalink Buys 10% of ProMetic as a Part of Strategic Alliance
  • 10/16/2012Shanghai Fosun Pharma Kicks Off IPO in Hong Kong
  • 10/16/2012China Withdraws/Combines Certain Administrative Approval Items
  • 10/15/2012AstraZeneca Expands R&D in China to Boost Drug Discovery
  • 10/15/2012Chairman of Wenzhou Haihe Pharma Arrested for Illegal Fund Raising
  • 10/12/2012Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies Established in Shanghai
  • 10/12/2012Executive Moves
  • 10/12/2012New Model of Hospital Drug Purchase Model Launched in Anhui
  • 10/11/2012McKinsey: Time to Rethink about Your Consumer Healthcare Strategies in...
  • 10/11/2012NDRC Drafts Guiding Catalog for Major Products and Services of Strateg...
  • 10/11/2012MOF Issues New Regulation for Medical Fee Invoices
  • 10/11/2012SFDA Reports on Its Recent Public Drug Safety Survey
  • 10/11/2012CDE to Set Up a Clinical Trial Registry and Information Platform on It...
  • 10/9/2012Lump-sum Prepayment Scheme Gains Dominance in Beijing and Shanghai as ...
  • 10/8/2012SFDA Releases 2011 Annual Report on Drug Registration Approval
  • 10/8/2012SFDA Issues Guidelines for Electronic Supervision of Drug Products
  • 10/5/2012Bilingual Commercial Executive with Extensive Asian Expertise Seeks Re...
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