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  • 1/11/2013SFDA Reveals Plan for Drug Regulation Reform in 2013
  • 1/11/2013Zhifei Bio's Tuberculosis Vaccine Gains SFDA Approval for Phase III Tr...
  • 1/11/2013Updated with Full Lists - NDRC Launches Price Cut on Respiratory, Anal...
  • 1/10/2013USTR's 2012 Report on China's WTO Compliance Highlights Remaining Conc...
  • 1/10/2013Recent Executive Moves
  • 1/10/2013Executing Joint Ventures for Healthcare Companies in China
  • 1/9/2013Chinese Government Issues New Measures to Push 2010 GMP Implementation
  • 1/9/2013SFDA Official Moves
  • 1/9/2013GrandPharma Licenses China Rights of Gastritis Drug from Finland's Bio...
  • 1/8/2013New Edition of National Essential Drug List Not Ready for Release Yet
  • 1/8/2013Shanghai No.1 Pharmacy Acquires 50% Stake of Lianhua Fosun Pharmacy Ch...
  • 1/8/2013China Opens Trademark Registration for Retail/Wholesale Services of Dr...
  • 1/8/2013Creative Solutions to Pharma Market Access Issues in China
  • 1/7/2013Arena Looks for Partners to Market Weight-Loss Drug Belviq in China
  • 1/7/2013EntreMed Files CTA with SFDA for Oncology Drug Candidate
  • 1/7/2013At Record Cash Levels, Pharmaceutical Companies Eye Acquisitions (Exte...
  • 1/7/2013Chinese B2C Online Drug Sales Skyrocketed in 2012
  • 1/7/2013MOH Reviews Healthcare Reform Progress and Sets New Targets for 2013
  • 1/7/2013Kelun Pharma Acquires 12.3% Stake of Lijun International
  • 1/7/2013Shanghai Xinya Pharma to Dispose 42% stake in Shandong Ruiying Pioneer
  • 1/7/2013Cellular Biomedicine Group to Reverse Merger with US-based EastBridge
  • 1/6/2013Guangdong Releases Healthcare Reform Plan for the 12th FYP Period
  • 1/6/2013Health Minister Demands Complete Elimination of "Funding Medical ...
  • 1/5/2013Medical Portal DXY Gets US$10M from B-round Financing
  • 1/5/2013Shanghai to Introduce Multiple Measures to Healthcare Reform
  • 1/5/2013Chongqing Reduces Prices of 103 Drug Products
  • 1/5/2013Beijing's Healthcare Expenditures Grew as Out-of-pocket Expenses Fell ...
  • 1/5/2013SFDA Seeks Comments on New Policy for Drug Evaluation, Approval and In...
  • 1/3/2013PharmaEngine and BeBetter Enter Research Partnership for Novel Anti-ca...
  • 1/2/2013Anhui to Consolidate Essential Drug System in 2013
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