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  • 3/12/2014Breast Cancer Patients' Lifeline Spurs Roche China Sales: Health (Exte...
  • 3/11/2014NPC Delegate Proposes Improved Drug Labeling for the Blind
  • 3/11/2014Clinipace and Choice Pharma Merge to Strengthen Clinical Research Capa...
  • 3/11/2014WuXi PharmaTech and Pacific Biomarkers in Partnership for Clinical Res...
  • 3/11/2014Latest Executive Moves
  • 3/10/2014How China's Anti-Monopoly Laws Could Impact the Pharmaceutical Sector
  • 3/7/2014China under Threat of Intensifying Doctor-Patient Conflicts
  • 3/7/2014Upcoming Event: Simon-Kucher Life Sciences China Forum
  • 3/6/2014Upcoming Event: Pharma Business Development Course
  • 3/6/2014Chinese M&A Trended Down in February with Healthcare Deals in Lead
  • 3/6/2014Upcoming Event: Pharma China Annual Forum 2014 on April 25 in Shanghai
  • 3/6/2014Biostar Partners with Shaanxi University of TCM to Develop A New Liver...
  • 3/5/2014Lilly and Novast Expands Joint Facility in Nantong for Lilly-branded G...
  • 3/5/2014What Money Failed To Buy: The Limits Of China's Healthcare Reform
  • 3/5/2014CFDA Suspends 1,000 Pharma Businesses in Illegal Drug Crackdown
  • 3/5/2014NDRC to Push Forward Drug Pricing Reform after the "Two Sessions&...
  • 3/5/2014Pharma Industry Delegates Renews Attack of the Centralized Drug Purcha...
  • 3/4/2014Executive Moves
  • 3/3/2014Improved Prescribing and Reimbursement Practices in Ningxia Pay-for-pe...
  • 3/2/2014CDE Review of Class 1 New Drug Applications Nearly Doubled in 2013
  • 3/2/2014NDRC Solicits Local Government Comments on Liberalizing Price Control ...
  • 3/2/2014Shanghai Pudong Seeks to Become CMO Trial Site
  • 3/2/2014Shanghai Anew Pharma Completes Preclinical Study of Oncology Drug Cand...
  • 2/28/2014APAC Epilepsy Therapeutics Market to Surge 4.7% CAGR by 2019
  • 2/27/2014NHFPC Vice Minister MA Xiaowei Meets PhRMA Delegation
  • 2/27/2014CFDA Issues Guidelines for GSP Onsite Inspections
  • 2/27/2014Zhejiang Announces Centralized Hospital Drug Purchase Data for 2013
  • 2/27/2014Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group to Step Up Acquisitions for Accelerated...
  • 2/27/2014Upcoming Event: Pharma China Annual Forum 2014 on April 25 in Shanghai
  • 2/27/2014CFDA Vice Minister Yin Li meets Director General of Israeli Ministry o...
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