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  • 9/22/2017Pfizer Appoints Creative Agency to Boost Viagra Publicity in China as ...
  • 9/22/2017Krka to Set Up Chinese Joint Venture
  • 9/22/2017Merck Opens China's First BioReliance End-to-End Biodevelopment Center...
  • 9/22/2017MNC Pharma Cos Face 'Triple Threats' in China
  • 9/22/2017Data Snapshot: Structural Review of Urban Community Healthcare Facilit...
  • 9/22/2017Data Snapshot: Structural Review of County Level Public Hospital Drug ...
  • 9/22/2017Data Snapshot: Structural Review of Urban Public Hospital Drug Sales 2...
  • 9/22/2017China Approves New Hepatitis Medicines from Gilead and AbbVie
  • 9/22/2017CDE Issues New Technical Standards for Generic Drug Equivalence Dossie...
  • 9/22/2017Bellen Raises CNY 250M in Series B Round of Financing
  • 9/21/2017National MR Filing System under Development by the CFDA
  • 9/21/2017Roland Berger: Chinese Drug Retail Market to Grow 10-15% CAGR Before 2...
  • 9/21/2017Recent Executive Moves
  • 9/20/2017EU Group Warns China to Make Good on Market Access Promises
  • 9/20/2017Shang Yong Appointed Vice Minister of CFDA
  • 9/19/2017Chinese Pharma IPO Peaked in the First Half of 2017
  • 9/19/2017SMEI: Chinese Pharma CRO Market to Grow 21% CAGR by 2020
  • 9/18/2017Top Seven Listed Chinese Pharma Companies by R&D Investment H1/201...
  • 9/18/2017Top Ten Chinese Pharma Cos by R&D Innovation Capacity
  • 9/18/2017CFDA Approves New Indication of Cerezyme (Imiglucerase for Injection)
  • 9/18/2017Fosun Cuts Size of Gland Pharma Acquisition to Bypass Indian Governmen...
  • 9/15/2017China Sees Rising Incidence of Breast Cancer in Recent Years
  • 9/15/2017Eyeing Potential Baby Boom, Aspen Pharma Plans China Expansion
  • 9/14/2017China Sets Up The Changing Diabetes Foundation with Help of Novo Nordi...
  • 9/14/2017NHFPC Releases 2016 Annual Health and Family Planning Sector Developme...
  • 9/14/2017NHFPC and SATCM Issue Guiding Principles for Clinical Pathway Manageme...
  • 9/14/2017Recent Executive Moves
  • 9/13/2017Anti-monopoly Enforcement Trends in China's Healthcare Industry
  • 9/13/2017J&J Worldwide Pharma Chairman Joaquin Duato's Interview with China...
  • 9/13/2017CFDA Solicits Comments on Draft Announcement for Amendment of Drug Reg...
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