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  • 3/19/2018China Appoints Head of the Newly Created National Health Commission
  • 3/16/2018CFDA Issues Pharmaceutical Research Guidance for Phase III Trials of I...
  • 3/16/2018CMBG Announces Positive 48-Week Data of AlloJoin haMPC Knee Osteoarthr...
  • 3/16/2018The New Boss on the Block: State Medical Insurance Administration (SMI...
  • 3/15/2018Recent Official and Executive Moves
  • 3/15/2018CFDA Issues Technical Guidelines for Genotoxicity Study of Drugs
  • 3/15/2018HitGen and BASF Enter DNA-Encoded Library Based Research Collaboration
  • 3/15/2018China's Fibromyalgia Market Projected To Grow 18.7% CAGR Till 2022
  • 3/14/2018Chinese Trade Barriers Move into Trump's Focus
  • 3/14/2018CFDA Seeks Comments on Matters Related to Custom Clearance of APIs and...
  • 3/13/2018United Biopharma Boosts China Presence with New Biologic Facility in Y...
  • 3/13/2018Stada: Pollution Crackdown in China Led to Pharma Supply Challenges
  • 3/13/2018Eisai Launches GI Prokinetic Agent Cidine in China
  • 3/13/2018China Reorganizes Drug Regulation in Gigantic Government Shakeup
  • 3/13/2018China Prepares for Big Pharma
  • 3/13/2018China Reshuffles Central Government, Overhauling Healthcare, BMI and D...
  • 3/13/2018CDE Solicits Comments for Proposed Technical Guidance Documents
  • 3/13/2018Boehringer Launches IPF Drug Vargatef (nintedanib) in China
  • 3/13/2018Novo Nordisk Launches New Insulin Degludec Tresiba in China
  • 3/13/2018Chi-Med On Its Way for First Drug Approval in China This Year
  • 3/13/2018Hua Medicine Plans $400M Hong Kong IPO
  • 3/12/2018Upcoming Event: International Conferences on Medical & Surgical Nu...
  • 3/12/2018Upcoming Event: 5th Annual PharmaCon Asia
  • 3/12/2018Upcoming Event: ISPE Singapore Conference and Exhibition 2018
  • 3/12/2018Upcoming Event: Biopharma Development and Production Week
  • 3/12/2018Upcoming Event: 4th Annual Asia Healthcare Summit
  • 3/12/2018Upcoming Event: International conference on Pulmonary Medicine and Res...
  • 3/12/2018Recent Executive Moves
  • 3/12/2018CDE Seeks Feedbacks on Draft Rules for of Drug R&D and Evaluat...
  • 3/9/2018Upcoming Event: Shanghai eHealth Workshop
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