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  • 5/1/2019Review of U.S. ANDAs from Chinese Pharma Companies in 2019
  • 5/1/2019SMEI: Fastest Growing Products in the Top 200 Drugs by Sales Value in ...
  • 5/1/2019China to Face Repercussions of Irrational Cost Cutting as It Gets Read...
  • 4/30/2019Financial-related Company News in Brief
  • 4/30/2019NMPA Announces the Authorizations of Four HK Hospitals to Undertake Ma...
  • 4/30/2019NMPA Approves Sinovant's Clinical Trial Application for Derazantinib
  • 4/30/2019AstraZeneca Sees Robust Anticancer Sales Growth, Driven by China and J...
  • 4/30/2019China Money Helps Congenica Raise Extra Funds to Scale in China and U....
  • 4/30/2019Roche's Rituxuan Faces Chinese Biosimilar Challenge from Fosun Pharma
  • 4/30/2019Shanghai Listed Kangmei Pharma Admits to Massive Cash and Revenue Over...
  • 4/30/2019Another Scandal Surfaces in China Involving Possibly Fake 9-valent HPV...
  • 4/30/2019Pre-profit BeiGene Produced Two of the World's Highest Paid Pharma CEO...
  • 4/30/2019Chinese API Industry's Environmental Shake-up Disrupts Vitamin C Suppl...
  • 4/29/2019NMPA Announces Withdrawal of 36 Certificate Requirements to Reduce Bur...
  • 4/29/2019NMPA Issues Two Technical Standards for Drug Tracing IT Platform
  • 4/29/2019NPC Solicits Public Comments on Amendment of the Drug Administration L...
  • 4/29/2019NPC Solicits Public Comments on Amendment of the Vaccine Management La...
  • 4/29/2019PharmaMar and Luye Pharma Enter Agreement to Market Anticancer Zepsyre...
  • 4/26/2019Recent Executive Movements
  • 4/26/2019CDE Initiates Online Submission of Safety Related Reports During Resea...
  • 4/26/2019Limited Awareness of Diabetes, Hypertension in China Remains A Major P...
  • 4/25/2019Finally, China Comes to Grips with Its Cancer Epidemic
  • 4/25/2019Heart Disease a Growing Threat in China
  • 4/25/2019Bloomberg: U.S. Considers Drug Protection Concession in China Talks
  • 4/25/2019NH's DB6: Chinese OTC Drug Market Forecast 2018-2023
  • 4/25/2019NH's DB6: Top Ten Chinese OTC Brands in 2018
  • 4/25/2019NHC Highlights Healthcare Reform Direction in Latest Press Conference
  • 4/24/2019Roivant and Sinovant Launch Cytovant Sciences in Partnership with Medi...
  • 4/23/2019Inifinity Research: Key Market Entry Barriers to the Chinese Pharma In...
  • 4/23/2019China Releases Outcomes of Its First Nationwide Mental Health Survey
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