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  • 7/14/2020NHC Encourages Community Hospitals to Set Up Fever Clinics
  • 7/13/2020Amgen Invests An Additional $421M in BeiGene to Maintain Its Stake
  • 7/13/2020NHC Issues Notice on Advancing Infrastructural Building of Community H...
  • 7/10/2020Recent Executive Moves
  • 7/10/2020State Council Issues Guidance Opinions on Advancing BMI Fund Regulator...
  • 7/10/2020CDE Launches Updated Drug Clinical Trial Registration and Information ...
  • 7/10/2020CDE Launches Online Application Systems for Breakthrough Medicines and...
  • 7/9/2020Merck's MilliporeSigma Opens its Largest M Lab Collaboration Center in...
  • 7/9/2020Evive Biotech Meets Endpoints in Global PIII Trial for Novel Chemother...
  • 7/9/2020Asieris Received Chinese Approval to Start a Global Phase III Trial of...
  • 7/9/2020Roche Launches Collaborative Initiative in China for Digestive Tract I...
  • 7/9/2020CDE Issues the Guidelines for Format/Style and Collation of Drug Admin...
  • 7/9/2020Clover Biopharma Receives $66M from CEPI for COVID-19 Vaccine Candidat...
  • 7/9/2020Chinese Alzheimer's Drug Rebuked Again by Top Local Neurologist
  • 7/8/2020NMPA Issues the Working Procedure for Priority Review and Approval of ...
  • 7/8/2020NMPA Issues Working Procedures for Evaluation and Approval of Breakthr...
  • 7/8/2020GSK Files New Drug Application for IL-5 mAb Nucala (Mepolizumab) in Ch...
  • 7/8/2020Swiss Re: Chinese Online Health Insurance Market to Grow 43% Annually ...
  • 7/8/2020Sinovac Begins Phase III Trial of Its Coronavirus Vaccine in Brazil
  • 7/8/2020NMPA Issues Working Procedures for Drug Marketing Evaluation and Appro...
  • 7/7/2020Turning Point and Zai Lab Announce Exclusive License Deal for Repotrec...
  • 7/7/2020SinoPharm Completes New Vaccine Plant in Wuhan, Doubling Capacity
  • 7/6/2020Ascentage and MSD in Clinical Trial Partnership to Evaluate APG-115 in...
  • 7/6/2020CDE Solicits Comments on the Draft Writing Guide and Common Format of ...
  • 7/6/2020CDE Solicits Comments on the Draft Technical Guidelines for Marketing ...
  • 7/6/2020CDE Solicits Comments on the Draft Technical Guidelines for Clinical T...
  • 7/6/2020NPC Solicits Comments on 2nd Draft of the Chinese Patent Law Amendment...
  • 7/3/2020CDE Issues Interim Guidelines for Registration Acceptance and Evaluati...
  • 7/3/2020GSK Launches Shingles Vaccines Shingrix in China
  • 7/3/2020Boehringer Ingelheim Launches Innovation Hub in Shanghai
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