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  • 8/6/2020U.S. Introduces A 'Buy American First' Pharma Executive Order
  • 8/6/2020AstraZeneca, Shenzhen Kangtai Enter Chinese Vaccine Deal
  • 8/6/2020Pfizer Fails to Secure Chinese Approval for Its Zinforo NDA
  • 8/6/2020CDE Issues the Filing Requirements and Procedures for Sub-packaging of...
  • 8/6/2020Navigating The Latest Challenges Of China's Human Genetic Resources Re...
  • 8/6/2020China To Strengthen Regulation Of Human Genetic Resources
  • 8/6/2020NMPA Publicizes the List of Reference Formulations for Generic Drug Eq...
  • 8/6/2020NMPA Solicits Comments on the Draft Interim Rules for Domestic Agents ...
  • 8/6/2020I-Mab Files IND for Eftansomatropin Pivotal Trial in Pediatric Patient...
  • 8/6/2020Bayer's China Business Undermined by VBP in Q2/2020
  • 8/5/2020Chi-Med Renews Plan for Hong Kong Listing in 2021
  • 8/5/2020BioNTech, Fosun Start Clinical Trial of mRNA-based COVID-19 Vaccine Ca...
  • 8/5/2020Legend Biotech: CDE Recommended Breakthrough Therapy Designation for C...
  • 8/5/2020AliHealth Raises $1.3B For Push Into eCommerce Pharmaceutical Business
  • 8/5/2020CDE Seeks Feedbacks on Draft Requirements for Application Dossiers of ...
  • 8/5/2020Transgene Disposes A Minor Stake in Tasly BioPharma
  • 8/5/2020Review of Chinese Pharma Deals, R&D and Regulatory Developments in H1/...
  • 8/3/2020G1 Therapeutics and Simcere Enter License Deal for Trilaciclib in Grea...
  • 8/3/2020NHSA Solicits Feedbacks on the 2020 NRDL Revision Work Plan
  • 8/3/2020CDE Solicits Comments on the Guidance Principles on Real World Data Us...
  • 8/3/2020CDE Solicits Comments on the Technical Guidelines for Clinical Pharmac...
  • 8/3/2020CDE Solicits Comments on the Technical Guidelines for Model-led Drug R...
  • 8/3/2020CDE Solicits Comments on the Technical Guidelines for Population Pharm...
  • 8/3/2020CDE Solicits Comments on the Technical Guidelines on Bioequivalence St...
  • 8/3/2020CDE Solicits Comments on the Guidelines for Research and Validation of...
  • 8/3/2020NMPA Issues the Guidelines for Clinical Trials of Bevacizumab and Adal...
  • 8/3/2020AstraZeneca's Q2 Growth Dragged Down by China Decline
  • 8/3/2020Sesen Bio and Qilu Pharma Enter License Deal for Vicineum in Greater C...
  • 8/3/2020Pfizer's Topical Atopic Dermatitis Drug Eucrisa Approved in China
  • 8/3/2020NMPA Solicits Comments on the Measures of Post Marketing Changes of Dr...
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