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  • 9/12/2010Upcoming Event: 2010 China Statins 360° Summit
  • 9/7/2010Upcoming Event: Innovative Strategies and Partnership Models for R&...
  • 8/27/2010Upcoming Event: 4th Annual BioPharma Asia Convention 2011
  • 8/19/2010Upcoming Event: Pharmaceutical Law Asia Summit
  • 8/17/2010Upcoming Event: Data Collection and Management in Clinical Trials Asia...
  • 8/12/2010MOH lays out priorities in disease prevention
  • 8/4/2010Upcoming Event: BioPharma India Convention 2010
  • 8/4/2010Upcoming Event: World Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine Congress ...
  • 7/29/2010Chinese monoclonal antibody drug sales expected to grow sharply
  • 7/27/2010Upcoming Event: Pharma Contract Manufacturing Asia 2010
  • 7/27/2010Upcoming Event: Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics Asia 2010
  • 7/25/2010Upcoming Event: Vaccine Manufacturing World 2010
  • 7/15/2010Fosun and Chemo invests CNY 500 million to develop monoclonal antibody...
  • 7/2/2010Upcoming Event: Partnerships in Clinical Trials
  • 6/29/2010Upcoming Event: ChinaTrials 2010: Global Clinical Development Summit ...
  • 6/28/2010Upcoming Event: 5th Annual Generics Asia Summit 2010
  • 6/28/2010Upcoming Event: BioManufacturing World
  • 6/28/2010Upcoming Event: China Pharma Manufacturing Summit 2010
  • 6/27/2010Upcoming Event: Drug Delivery & Formulations Asia 2010
  • 6/22/2010Upcoming Event: China Pharma Manufacturing & Supply Chain Manageme...
  • 6/16/2010Upcoming Event: Pharma Licensing Strategies Asia 2010
  • 6/12/2010Upcoming Event: FDA GCP Workshop Shanghai
  • 6/11/2010Upcoming Event: Winning Pharmaceutical Sales Force Effectiveness Strat...
  • 6/10/2010Upcoming Event: PharmaGuys TNA & ROI Workshops
  • 6/10/2010Upcoming Event: Pharma Business Development Course
  • 6/1/2010Lizhu and Joincare forms JV for monoclonal antibody drugs
  • 5/25/2010Upcoming Event: BioProcess International China 2010
  • 5/24/2010Upcoming Event: Diagnostics Asia 2010
  • 5/13/2010Upcoming Event: Generics R&D Asia 2010
  • 5/12/2010Upcoming Event: 3rd Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs Summit Asia
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