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  • 3/31/2009ReSearch Pharma Acquires Paramax
  • 3/30/2009Global pharma industry consolidation may boost outsourcing to India an...
  • 3/30/2009Upcoming Event: Pharma CI Conference & Exhibition
  • 3/25/2009Upcoming Event: Global Pharmaceutical Fraud & Anti-Counterfeiting ...
  • 3/24/2009AstraZeneca expands research collaboration with BioDuro
  • 3/21/2009Pharma China Forum - The Pharma Distribution Landscape and Channel Str...
  • 3/17/2009China’s first novel quinolones to be approved soon
  • 3/15/2009Pharma China Seminar - Building Success in China's Pharma Sector
  • 3/10/2009China forms alliance organization for AIDS vaccine research
  • 3/6/2009Pharma China Forum - The Pharma Distribution Landscape and Channel Str...
  • 3/5/2009CDE issues various implementation rules for special approval of drug r...
  • 3/4/2009SciClone reports sharp revenue growth in 2008
  • 3/4/2009Medicilon/MPI Preclinical Research appoints new president and COO
  • 3/4/2009India likely to investigate China’s 6-APA
  • 3/3/2009SciGen to initiate marketing of human insulin in China soon
  • 3/3/2009NCPG and DSM likely to build a major antibiotic API facility in Changc...
  • 2/27/2009Pharma China Forum - The Pharma Distribution Landscape and Channel Str...
  • 2/27/2009Huaxing expands capacity of Amoxicillin and 6-APA
  • 2/24/2009Shanghai Drug Clinical Research Center established
  • 2/20/2009Duke University researchers questions clinical trials overseas
  • 2/20/2009Pharma China Forum - The Pharma Distribution Landscape and Channel Str...
  • 2/20/2009Pharma China Seminar - Building Success in China's Pharma Sector
  • 2/20/2009Large scale clinical trial to push forward the field of personalized m...
  • 2/13/2009Upcoming Event: 2nd Annual China Biopharma Opportunities Summit 2009 ...
  • 2/12/2009Pharma China Forum - The Pharma Distribution Landscape and Channel Str...
  • 2/10/2009Chinese outsourcing sector sees high growth and strong future prospect...
  • 2/6/2009New export control measures will have significant impacts on exports o...
  • 2/3/2009Frost & Sullivan: Chinese pharma CMOs stands to gain in global eco...
  • 1/30/2009Upcoming event: Impact China V
  • 1/30/2009Big pharma likely to trim clinical research budgets
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