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    Pharma China to Initiate Selective Coverage of Top Global Pharma News 7/23/2008
    Pharma China was created two years ago to provide specialized business intelligence on China's pharma sector. As China becomes increasingly integrated with the world and the global importance of the Chinese pharma industry rises, We have been witnessing rising impacts of major global pharma industry events on the Chinese marketplace.

    For example, GSK's latest strategic alliance deal with South African company Aspen may seem to be unrelated to China on the surface, but a closer look will help one sense the imminent arrival of another MNC generic player in China.  Global movements today are therefore often valuable barometers for China executives about tomorrow.

    In addition, expatriate China executives also have the need to follow industry developments at home in order to remain up-to-speed and be alerted with the global scene. However, having to find China and world pharma news from different sources is often time-consuming and frustrating. 

    In response to the changing global pharma industry and market environments, Pharma China has decided to begin coverage of the top news in the global pharma industry and marketplace from August 1, 2008.

    However, please note the coverage will be highly selective and include only those international news of vital importance and those bearing valuable relevance to China. Our editorial coverage will continue to essentially and overwhelmingly focus and emphasize on China.

    This addition of news coverage is a part of our regular service to subscribers at no additional costs, and is offered to fulfill our promise to continuously improve the quality and value of our products. A new column "Top News Worldwide" is created (on the left-side menu of our home page of Web Edition) to hold top international news of which their headlines will also appear in the Weekly e-Alerts.  In the Journal Edition, we will add a small section for brief summaries of top international news starting from our September 2008 issue.

    Comments and suggestions regarding this new service is welcome and please them to info@pharmachinaonline.com.
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