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  • 12/19/2019PHIIC: Data Snapshots of Chinese Pharma Market 2013-2019E
  • 12/19/2019Performance Snapshots of HKSE-Listed Pre-profit Biotech Startups
  • 11/26/2019Pharma Industry Performance Continued to Rise, Albeit Slower Rates in ...
  • 11/21/201956 Listed Chinese Pharma Cos Had R&D Spending Above CNY 100M in 3Q...
  • 11/18/2019Listed Chinese MedPharm Companies Report Slower Growth in Q3
  • 10/31/2019Listed Chinese MedPharm Cos Report Varied Performance in 3Qs/2019
  • 10/29/201939 Listed Pharma Cos Report Performance Results in 3Qs/2019
  • 10/18/2019CPA Hospital Drug Consumption Data Snapshot 2014-2018
  • 10/18/2019SMEI: Top 20 Listed Chinese Pharma Companies by R&D Investment H1/...
  • 10/18/2019SMEI: Most Profitable Listed Chinese MedPharm Companies in H1/2019
  • 9/17/2019Listed Chinese Pharma Companies Report H1/2019 Performance
  • 9/17/201915 Leading Chinese Pharma Companies Maintains High R&D Investment ...
  • 9/9/2019Sales Expenditures of Chinese Pharma Cos Continued to Grow in H1/2019
  • 8/29/2019Over 180 Chinese Pharma Public Cos Release 2019 Mid-Year Results
  • 8/26/201921 Chinese Pharma Companies Made It to the Fortune China 500
  • 8/26/2019SMEI: Top Chemical Drug Products in Urban Chinese Retail Pharmacies 20...
  • 8/26/2019IQVIA: Overall Chinese Pharma Market Growth Slowed to 4.5% in 2018
  • 8/14/2019Sinohealth Projects Lower Chinese Pharmaceutical Market Growth in 2019
  • 8/13/2019IQVIA Market Prognosis Projects 4.8% CAGR for Chinese Pharmaceutical M...
  • 8/12/2019SMEI: Review of Chinese Terminal Drug Markets in 2010-H1/2019
  • 7/18/2019SMEI Releases Rankings of Top 100 Chinese Retail Pharmacy Chains in 20...
  • 7/17/201960% of 135 Listed Biopharma Companies Issued Positive H1 Performance G...
  • 7/16/2019SMEI President Reviews Pharma Industry Performance with Lowered Growth...
  • 7/16/2019SMEI Releases Ranking of Top 100 Chinese Biopharma Companies in 2018
  • 6/27/2019Review of Chemical Drug Sales at Chinese Public Medical Institutions i...
  • 6/19/2019NHC Releases 2018 Annual Health Sector Development Report (Full Summar...
  • 6/18/2019IQVIA: Leading Players by Urban Public Hospital Drug Sales in 2018
  • 5/29/2019China's Driving Sales Growth Ahead of the U.S. For Big Pharma. But Can...
  • 5/28/2019Sina/CCID: Top 100 Most Innovative A Share-Listed Chinese MedPharm Com...
  • 5/16/2019Performance Overview of A Share-Listed Chinese MedPharm Cos 2018-Q1/20...
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