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  • 2/2/2016Sinohealth CMH: Chinese Pharma Market Growth Fell to Only 7.6% in 2015...
  • 2/2/2016Data Snapshot: Top Ten Listed Chinese Pharma Cos by Capitalization
  • 1/26/201641 Listed Chinese Pharma Companies Issue 2015 Performance Guidance
  • 1/20/2016What Can Chinese Pharma Look Forward To in the Coming Year of Red Monk...
  • 1/19/2016Shanghai-based MNC Subsidiaries Saw Sharp Earnings Growth in 2015
  • 1/15/2016IMS: Review of Chinese Provincial Level Hospital Drug Markets in 2015
  • 1/8/2016IMS Health Reviews Chinese Biologics Market in 2014
  • 1/8/2016IMS: Chinese Retail Pharmacy Sales Up 8.9% in MAT Q2/2015
  • 1/8/2016IMS: Chinese Hospital Drug Sales Up 8.4% in Q2/2015
  • 12/28/2015IMS: County Level Hospitals Represent 26% of Chinese Hospital Drug Sal...
  • 12/15/2015Chinese Pharma Sales Grew 9.6% in the First Three Quarters of 2015
  • 12/8/2015Chinese CRO Market to Growth 20% CAGR Before 2018
  • 12/8/2015China Healthcare: Missing A Beat (FT)
  • 12/2/2015CPIIC Releases Latest Chinese Pharma Data and Forecasts
  • 11/22/2015IMS: Global Drug Spending to Reach $1.4 Trillion in 2020
  • 11/16/2015CPIA Ranks Top Chinese Pharm-Chem Companies by Overall Competitiveness
  • 11/10/2015A Growing Divide Between Expectations and Reality
  • 11/9/2015IMS: Chinese Hospital Drug Sales Up 7.1% in Q1/2015
  • 11/5/2015Domestically-listed Companies Report Slowing Performance in Q3/2015
  • 11/3/2015Proposed Pharma-related Contents in China's 13th Five Year Plan
  • 10/30/2015Data Snapshot - Top 20 Drugs in 2014: China vs. Global
  • 10/29/2015SMEI Forecasts CAGR of Chinese Pharma Revenues at 10.4% in the Next Fi...
  • 9/28/2015China's Pharma Industry Performance Stabilized Somewhat in the First E...
  • 9/28/2015Another Leading MNC Began to Slash Headcount Over Compliance Issues
  • 9/21/2015Novartis Counts On Generic Drugs for Future Growth in China
  • 9/17/2015Account Receivables of Listed Pharma Distributors Surge Fast in Time o...
  • 9/11/2015China Resilient: New Pharma Survey Offers Highly Positive Outlook
  • 9/11/2015China: Present for the Journey
  • 9/11/2015The Future of Pharma Marketing in China
  • 9/7/2015China Sets Its Sights on Life Science
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