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  • 12/7/2018National Centralized Drug Purchase Trial Upsets Pharma Industry with C...
  • 12/7/2018IFPMA and RDPAC Introduce New Code for Pharmaceutical Marketing Practi...
  • 12/4/2018SMEI President Predicts Continued Chinese Pharma Growth in 2019
  • 11/29/2018IQVIA: The Chinese Pharmaceutical Market to Grow at 5.5% CAGR by 2022
  • 11/28/2018Revenues Up and Profits Down for Chinese Pharma in First Ten Months of...
  • 11/27/2018WSJ: Drugmakers Gain More Access to China, But at a Price
  • 11/27/2018China Approved 30 New Drugs from Foreign Countries in the Past 21 Mont...
  • 11/12/2018Leading MNCs Tout Renewed China Business Growth in Q3
  • 11/9/2018Performance of Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry on Steady Growth in 3Qs...
  • 11/8/2018Leading Chinese Pharma Companies by R&D Spending in 3Qs/2018
  • 11/5/2018Most Domestically-listed Medical/Pharma Companies Report Positive Resu...
  • 11/2/2018Sanofi Witnesses China Revenues Growing 17.7% in Q3/2018
  • 10/29/2018Leading Chinese Pharma Companies by R&D Spending in H1/2018
  • 10/23/2018Healthcare Sector Growth Slows in First Three Quarters of 2018
  • 10/18/2018IQVIA: Chinese Hospital Drug Market Up 2.8% in MAT Q2/2018
  • 10/15/2018Exploring Ways to Establish Presence in China as Part of APAC Region P...
  • 10/9/2018Listed Chinese Pharma Cos Reports Positive Performance in H1
  • 9/18/2018Top 25 Global Pharmaceutical Companies by Market Cap 2018
  • 9/14/2018WiCON Publishes the China Pharmaceutical Guide 2018 (13th Edition)
  • 9/7/2018Nearly 90% of Listed Biopharma Cos Saw their Sales Expenditures Up in ...
  • 9/3/2018Listed Chinese Healthcare Cos Witness Best Performance in Nine Years
  • 9/3/2018Eric Bouteiller Joins Advisory Board of WiCON|Pharma China
  • 8/29/2018Bloomburg: Wall Street Expats Angle for Piece of China’s Biotech Drug...
  • 8/27/2018FT: China Health Reforms Help Global Pharma Groups Despite Price Cuts?
  • 8/21/2018Fitch: Healthcare Reforms in China Present Upside Potential amid Indus...
  • 8/16/2018Chinese Pharma Growth Continues to Slow as Shares of Online Pharmacies...
  • 8/13/2018SMEI: Chinese Drug Terminal Market Up 6.9% in H1
  • 8/8/2018IQVIA: Overview of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Market in 2017
  • 8/8/2018Novartis Voluntarily Withdraws Zemeta for Injection in China, Followin...
  • 7/11/2018Shanghai Unveils New Open Policy Measures, Benefiting Pharma/MedTech I...
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